Chapter 31

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George weaved through the sea of people in the large two story house as the loud blaring music vibrated the walls as well as the loud voices that echoed the halls..

He reached the intended room, the only bedroom downstairs that belonged to the home's owner. He remembered the day he and Izzy moved in, the rent was next to nothing and all Meredith asked was that they take care of the upstairs.. at first they thought it odd and always wanted to ask why she never went upstairs.. but then again thought they might not want to know the answer..

He cringed as he turned the knob but let out a relieved sigh finding it still locked.

He turned around pushing his way through the large crowd listening for the familiar voice. He found it amongst the line for alcohol and looked over to see the tall voluptuous blonde holding up a bottle of bourbon as she tossed her head around dancing to the music...

He let out a sigh as he weaved through the crowd making his way towards her..

"I thought you said it would be little!" he shouted...

"Huh?" she asked stopping to see him standing in front of and frowned..

"You said there would only be a few people here.. this is way too many, Meredith is going to freak out!"

"Meredith said we could do whatever we want."

"I don't think that 'whatever we want' entailed breaking all kinds of fire codes and don't even get me started on the noise violations."

"George what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me."

"Something is wrong with you.. you're all uptight and whiney."

"I am not-" he defended "I'm not whiney!"

She just looked at him amused and unconvinced as he looked around at the crowd and sighed..

"Something is wrong with Meredith."

"Something is always wrong with Meredith."

"No I mean something is really wrong... she's all dark and twisty... almost to the point she could snap and kill us all kind of dark and twisty."

"George you're overrating this entire thing.. She's got some issues but she doesn't want to talk about them.. so what.. maybe this party will help her take her mind off things... it's a good thing."

"Yeah that or she could snap and kill us all." He groaned "You should at least call and warn her."

"Call who?" they heard off to the side.

They looked over to see Christina moving her hips around nursing a bottle of beer as she nodded to a few people she recognized...

"Izzy was just about to call Meredith."

"Oh." Christina replied "Well she was here."

"She was!?" Izzy gasped with a widened expression..

"Yep." She mumbled as she sipped on her beer "Oh and one more thing."

"What?" they both asked nervously in unison..

"She's going to kill you."


He set the phone down after making some notes in the dingy lit office. Something caught his nose and his head perked up.. he bright blue eyes shot up across the room and he rushed through the door towards the kitchen grabbing a pot off the stove.

He breathed a sigh of relief seeing that he saved his dinner and set it down on the counter when he heard a soft knock on the door.

He tossed the dish towel over his shoulder and walked to the door wondering who it was at the door. He got to the door reaching for the black iron door knob and opened it, his eyes meeting a pair of very cloudy greenish grey ones.

She looked back at him taking in a deep breath before making her case.

"Finn." She breathed out "Look I know what I said this morning.. and I know that I made a big deal about me not coming over and staying here so much and that it wasn't good. And I still don't think its all that great, I need to move slow.. slower than slow even. But today.. today has been a really bad day. A day where all you want to do is go home and go to bed and hope you never wake up... but there's this party at my house and I..."

"Meredith." He said with a soft smile and a glimmer in his eyes adoring her rambling...

"Yeah?" she gulped..

Nervous to hear his rejection.. I mean sure he had plans, he had to have made plans. She completely shot him down earlier so why wouldn't he have made plans.

"Would you like to come in?"

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