Chapter 28

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ou've refused to put anything before your pride
What I got will knock your pride aside

Tell me something good
--Stevie Wonder

Christina stood firmly in front of the white board studying its schedule. She was a hard, dedicated surgeon who only acted on accuracy and precision. Which is why she had such a hard time with a certain spot on the board...

One where her name most certainly belonged.. but wasn't... she sighed and turned around walking to the desk and grabbed a chart to study hoping to find a loop hole to jump through.

"Dr. Yang?"

She heard the familiar voice beside her and jumped as she closed the chart quickly and looked over to see the man beside her... a man she wanted so much out of but at the same time out of loyalty she should hate.

"Ye...yes Dr. Shepherd?" she asked feigning innocence..

He glanced at the chart she was trying to hide in her arms and smirked as he got a mysterious look in his eyes...

"So I've looked at your file." He started "And its quite impressive... a Stanford grad, top honors. You did all of your residency and now your fellowship here and Seattle Grace. A highly esteemed hospital if I do say so myself."

"Thank you Dr. Shepherd." She smiled with a nod as her anxiety started to fade "I do work hard to be the best at what I do, and I admire your work as well."

"It's a lot of hard work to be the best at something." He replied "It's also a lonely business."

"Sir?" she replied not sure what to make of what he meant... his expression softened into a smile as he glanced at the chart again..

"Dr. Yang I would love to have you in my OR this afternoon if you can clear your schedule."

"Seriously?" she said widening her eyes.. he replied with a nod "Consider it done!"

She grinned as she flipped open the chart to finish studying making notes to research the project and giddy that she will be getting another task under her belt..

She noticed out of the corner of her eye that Derek was still there. She looked over slowly at him to see him watching her, but this time with a concerned look, with desperation in his eyes.

"Was there something else Dr. Shepherd?"

"Um yeah." He said softly "You... you and Meredith.. you're friends?"

"Oh." She said rearing her head back and furrowing her brow a little as she stiffened up "No."

"No?" he asked..

"I mean yes we are friends.. Meredith and I are friends. You and I are not. So no we're not doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Look." She sighed "You are an amazing doctor, and teacher and I would love nothing more than to work with you and learn what you have to teach but you will not use surgeries to get information on her and you will not use me against her."

"I am not trying to use you against her." He defended "I just.. I just want to know how she is. She wont talk to me."

"Hmm. Wonder why that is?" she coped out, Derek looked at her offended and she let out a sigh "You're going to have to find another way to talk to her but for what its worth... she's fine."

"She's fine?" he asked... Christina gave him a stiff nod "Ok, I'll see you in OR 2 at 4 o'clock."

Christina gave him a nod and quickly walked off to conduct her research.. Derek let out a frustrated sigh and rested his face in his palms as he leaned against he desk lost in his frustration, so much he didn't see the body walk up and stand next to him...

"So she was a hit and miss for you too huh?"

He jumped a little in surprise and looked over letting out another sigh..

"Mark." He grumbled "I wasn't trying to... I just.. I just wanted to find out how Meredith is doing."

"So she's still not talking to you huh?"

"She's not talking, she runs. I just, I just want to find a way to talk to her, to see what changed."

Derek pressed his lips together and shook his head as he started at the wall on the other side of the nurses station trying to think of what could have happened other than his own mistakes. Mark let out a sigh seeing the look he was so sick of being on Derek's face and leaned into him...

"You know." He said in a low voice "Meredith still cant take the stairs."

Derek furrowed his brow and looked over at Mark.

"Of course she cant take the stairs, are you suffering from Alzheimer's or just a moron-"

He stopped his hissing and relaxed his face as a look of clarity washed over him and he raised a single eyebrow and cocked his head slightly looking at Mark and mumbled softly.


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