Chapter 102

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And I hope that you are having the time of your life.. but think twice, that's my only advice.
--Gnarles Barkley

Derek was counting the minutes until he was done with his patients, just wanting to go back to his hotel room and get some rest. As much as he loved sleeping next to Meredith, and how comfortable and peaceful it felt.. having her in his arms all night long, well it was painful.

After she fell asleep he got up and took a very long, very cold shower and sat in the chair next to the bed and watched her sleep all night almost in disbelief that after so long that moment was happening.

And all he could hope for was that it would keep happening. He was worried thought, their relationship was still very fragile and he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize it.

He was on his way down to his office to finish his post op notes when he felt an hand on his arm and before he could look to see who it was he was pushed into a linen closet and turned around to see her lock the door behind them.. he looked at her surprised and caught off guard as she looked at him out of breath..

"I have had a really shitty day.. and apparently my life sucks." She said as she dropped her coat to the floor..

"Your life doesn't suck." He frowned..

"It does." She replied as she pulled her shirt over her head, causing his eyes to turn a darker shade of blue "And I could really use a good orgasm right now... so lets just do this.. get it over with.. maybe we just need to do it... right now."

"Meredith." He said in a husky voice as he tried to gather all the self control he could..

"Take off your pants."


"Derek." She snapped "I'm horny, half naked, and I'm saying yes.. now are you just going to stand there and stare at me or are you going to take off your pants!"

He felt his arousal starting to take over not just at the fact that she was standing there topless but at her bossiness as well... He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he stepped toward her... she inhaled sharply waiting for bodily contact but watched as he leaned down and picked her shirt off the floor and looked at her almost remorseful..

"You don't want this." He said softly..

"I do." She replied "I really, really do.. in fact I'm pretty sure I just said that."

"No." he smiled shaking his head "You don't."

"Derek." She frowned

"What you want.. what you need.. isn't sex. You want to make love. You want to feel that security, and trust, and that deep soulful connection kind of love making that we used to do. Its what you deserve.. and its what I'll give you when we're ready... anyone can have sex in a linen closet Meredith... only the lucky can make love."

He lets out a sigh as he puts the shirt on over her head and they stare at each other for a few moments in comfortable silence...

"Why don't you finish getting dressed.. and when your shift is over, I'll take you back to my hotel, let you take a ridiculously long bubble bath until you shrivel up like a raisin." She rolled her eyes and let out a giggle "Then we can climb into bed and I'll hold you in my arms while you tell me about your bad day."

"That almost sounds better than a meaningless orgasm." She replied..

"It does?" he smiled..

"Almost." She smiled.. she gulped feeling her heart hitch in her chest at his softness "Its not like you to turn down sex."

"Yeah well." He smiled "I'm trying to not be like the old me, I want to be the me that makes us work." She looks at him with a soft smile, her eyes glistening as she softly whispers out..

"Thank you."

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