Chapter 13

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The years flew by and Meredith's mother ended up marrying Richard later that year. They moved to California shortly after it but Meredith and Katie kept well in touch.

As soon as Meredith graduated high school she moved back to Connecticut and her and were roommates in the dorms as they attended Yale University. And then luckily both proceeding to get into the Yale school of medicine, both living out their lifelong dreams.

"Hey Mer." Katie called out as she rummaged through a box of things while unpacking a box in their new off campus apartment.

"Yeah?" Meredith called out as she unpacked the boxes from the kitchen.

"Just so you know, my brother is coming by."

"Derek?" Meredith asked "I haven't seen him in forever!"

"He's still Derek." She groaned "He's this big hot shot second year resident at Mass Gen and he thinks his gross anatomy notes are the only thing that will get me to pass this year so he's dropping off all his stuff, he thinks he knows so much more cause he went to stupid Harvard!"

"Ha! Well I guess in a way that's nice right?"

"In a way." She groaned "But hey, I'm gonna jump in the shower are you good in there?"

"I'm good!" she called out.

She heard the shower start in the bathroom as she turned to stack the plates in the cupboard, right as she reached in the box she heard the doorbell ring... she rolled her eyes thinking of the annoying little boy she was once tortured by. She hadn't seen him in nearly 12 years but according to Katie he was the same.

She crossed the small apartment to the front door and straightened out her shirt and shook out her long golden hair off her tiny shoulders.. she opened the door half heartedly and gasped as her eyes clashed with a pair of deep blue ones... his kinky curly brown hair had grown into soft wavy locks, his smooth baby face now had sexy stubble and he had a few wisdom wrinkles around his eyes...

He looked back at her in just as much shock. This annoying little pig tailed scrawny girl had grown into a very mature woman. Her face very delicate like a porcelain doll, her eyes bright and green, her body had slight curves and her flat chest was now quite voluptuous.

"Meredith?" he choked out finally finding the words to say.. she masked her shock quite well and gave a crooked smile..

"Derek." She replied opening the door wider for him to come in "Its been a while."

"Too long of a while!" He said with a sheepish grin as he set a box down on the table still not having taken his eyes off of her "How are you liking Med School?"

"I love it, its everything I thought it would be and more." She replied "I thought that maybe it was all my mother's influence on me but after actually being there I realized that its what I really want too."

She looked up to see an amazed smile crossing his lips, this annoying little girl he used to taunt often as a young boy was starting to make him wonder if love at first site existed..

She darted her eyes away to hide her flushed cheeks and the fluttery feelings that started in her stomach and moved up making her nose tingle.. she couldn't be falling for him, he was her best friends brother for goodness sake!

"So how is residency?"

"A lot of hard work." He sighed, not taking his eyes off hers and feeling captivated by the minute "I thought Med School was hard but residency is no piece of cake."

"I can only imagine having someone's actual life in your hands... just the thought kind of freaks me out sometimes." She mumbled out feeling the world around her and him starting to blur.

"It passes." He said softly...

"What does?"

"The feeling." He replied "If you wait long enough, it passes." She looked into his eyes locking onto his gaze and swallowed hard as she felt the swirl of strong chemistry swell between them and replied in nearly a whisper...

"You promise?"

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