Chapter 85

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It's twisted, messed up and the more I think about it, it's crazy, but so what.
I may never understand it, I'm caught up and I'm hanging on I wanna love you even if it's wrong.
--Carrie Underwood

"You finally heading out?" Derek asks as he walks out of his office later that day almost colliding with a leggy red head.

"Yes." She smiles giving him a concerned look "Unless you think I should stay."

"No." he smiled "I'll be fine."

"You don't look fine, if your mother saw you right now she'd-"

"Addison." He says cutting her off "You are not my mother.. and as much as I love you, you cant fix this... no one can."

She furrowed her brow opening her mouth trying to think of something comforting to say to her friend, something to cheer up his sorrowful expression..

"Dr. Montgomery." She hears from behind her "I hope that you're not leaving us so soon."

"Richard." She smiles seeing him walk up "Actually I have to get back.. I have a few cases I've been called in on."

"I'd like to talk to you about that actually.. would you meet me in my office in 10 minutes?"

"Richard." She says "If you think you're going to get me to clip my wings..."

"He will if he offers you a big enough nest to land in." Derek mumbles under his breath.. Addison looks at him rolling her eyes.. he gives her the best attempt at a smile and she feels her heart clench a little in her chest..

"I'll see you in 10 minutes Richard." She says... she turns to Derek and puts her arms around him in a warm hug "Derek... you've always been happy. All these women in your life, we annoy you with our constant clucking I'm sure but really we all just have you as our stronghold. And you're not happy anymore, and that scares me."

"Addison I'm fine." He says reassuring her though his insides were tearing him apart slowly..

"I know you want things to work with Meredith, and maybe its not your intentions but its what you want, its what we all really want. We loved you and Meredith.. but Derek this is making you miserable, its obvious... so maybe you should look hard to see if its really something that can be saved.. and if not.. if not soon.. take a break. Because no one wants to see you crumble."

Derek stands there absorbing her words taking in a steep breath and planting on a fake smile as he gives her a slow nod...

"Don't let him woo you too easily Addison." He says..

"Oh trust me I wont." She giggles "And you.. have a good night." She says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek..

He nods and watches as she walks off down the hallway.. he shakes his head rolling his eyes feeling somehow his mother once again using one of the girls to pry into his life.. he walks to the elevators and gets on with so many thoughts swirling around his head.. Not paying attention to anyone else that was in there..

"She's dating a vet." He hears behind him and looks back slightly startled..

"I know." He sighs turning back to face the doors not wanting to have this conversation with anyone, especially not Ellis..

"She cant date a vet." She says sternly..

"Apparently she can date anyone, she's free to do so.. she doesn't want me." He grumbles.

"You.. you have to make her." Ellis surprisingly says.. "Meredith is still very much a child, she runs from things she's afraid of.. but if you show her that you're not backing down she'll give in."

"Maybe I don't want her to give in." he mumbles..

"What?" she hisses back..

"She's happy Ellis.. happy with someone else."

"He's a vet.. he cant make her happy... I know I don't like you very much but I'm not stupid.. I know you made her happy.. like no one else has.. or ever could."

Derek felt a little taken back by Ellis's reaction but let out a sigh and shook his head..

"I don't know.. maybe Meredith is right... its too late. There's too much water under the bridge."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened.. Ellis moved past him and stopped in the door way and looked at him fiercely almost intimidating him and muttered out sternly..

"Build a bigger bridge Derek."

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