Chapter 32

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Everything's changed except for the way I feel about you.

Derek pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat slumped into a large oversized chair near the window of the hotel room throwing himself quite the pity party. After his conversation with Meredith which he hoped would change things, with the new understandings that with some work they could start again.. but all he was met with was a brick wall.

He kept hearing the repeated light scratching noise trot across the hardwood floor along with a high pitched yapping that was irritating his migraine, and making a day in hell look like a first class ticket.

He let out a loud groan as he pinched his eyes closed and let out a loud growling sigh as he felt something fall into his lap.

He picked it up without looking at it like it was an annoying routine and tossed it outward to the other side of the room, hearing the scratching quickly move to the other side of the room accompanied by the lour high pitched yapping.

"Mark!" he groaned "I cant believe you brought your damn dog!"

Mark emerged from the other room with a scowl on his face and turned to the small furry animal with long silky hair topped off with a little red boy at the top of its face...

He bent down as it ran up excitedly towards him and he scooped it up bringing it into his face feeling its tongue lap at his skin and responded in a high pitched affectionate voice..

"I cant believe uncle Derek would think I would leave such and adorable creature at home for the smelly maid to take care of.. no I cant.. no I cant."

"You're nauseating me." He growled "And I'll be damned if I'm a dog's uncle."

"Marktina is so much more than a dog!"

He said softly pursing his lips together making a wet kissing noise as the small animal yapped in response to his smooching

"She's my little goddess."

"It's a dog." He groaned with an eye roll "No matter how many diamond plated collars and award swimming pool sized pink pillows you buy the damn thing its still just a dog."

"What is your problem man?" he asked finally looking up at his friend..

Derek peered up at his best friend... his lips cracked slightly with the intent of telling him about his talk with Meredith in the elevator.

About his new information, about the way she felt when he held her in his arms for the first time in 5 years, and even though it was for a short amount of time, it felt like home.

But Mark was on his dog high and had warned him about not doing it... And then there was the last words she said.. words that were weighing on his mind and spirit.

"Nothing." He muttered.

"Ok." He shrugged "Well if you don't want to talk about it can you do me a favor."


"Well can you do Marktina a favor." He asked... Derek looked up at him absurdly and sot him a glare..


Mark smirked as he walked over towards Derek with the small pooch in his arms and kneeled down in front of him holding her up to his face as they both gave Derek a puppy dog look...

"Oh pppllleeeaaasseee uncle Derek... it would be the absolute world to us! You know you mean everything to this little piece of heaven. You know you love her.. you know you do.. how could you not she's such a little heavenly dolly doll."

He started in on his sweet talk turning the dog to face him blowing her little kisses..

"Yes you are, you little princess.. you're daddy's pricness yes you are... don't deny it. Don't you dare deny it!"

"Okay!" he yelped putting his hands up... "I'll do it just stop with the damn kissy talk! I swear if the hospital saw you like this you wouldn't have your reputation anymore."

Mark grinned and stood up holding the dog out to him gently handing her over...

"She has the sniffles." He said with a concerned tone in his voice... Derek looked up at him appalled and furrowed his brow "I need you to take her to the vet."

"Seriously?" was all he could seem to get out..

"Seriously." Mark replied in a serious tone "I have surgery in half an hour and have to get back to the hospital so here." He reached into his pocket and handed him a small piece of paper "I already talk to a local vet and I wrote down the address, he can see her tonight so please hurry."

Mark knelt down to the small dog planting soft little kisses on her small head as she returned the affection.

"Good bye.. good bye.. you be a good girl, and be nice to the doctor.. yes you do.. cause daddy loves you.. yes I do.. yes I love-"

"Get out of here before I change my mind." Derek growled...

Mark stood up with a grin and turned around walking out but not before stopping at the door to blow one last kiss to his prized possession...

Derek rolled his eyes as the door to the hotel room shut... he looked down at the dog who looked back up at him with a 'what's next' look... Derek remembered when Mark got the dog.. it was right before Meredith left.

He thought it wouldn't live a week with Mark the manwhore... but after they moved to New York he could see how attached Mark had gotten... Derek asked him one time why he was so affectionate with a dog when he could have any woman he wanted...

Mark's reply was, 'Dog's don't cheat on you, they don't leave you and strand you, they don't screw you over and break your heart, the worse they can do is die and then you just get another dog.'

He sighed as he glanced at the paper Mark gave him seeing it was just a scribbled address. He let out a sigh and looked down at the dog as he started to get up and mumbled.

"Let's get this over with."

Whatever It TakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon