Chapter 41

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Bad, bad, bad boys and dangerous girls, ain't got no prescription.

"So what was with you and Alex earlier?" Meredith grumbled as she walked up to Christina and leaned against the railing of the overpass balcony..

"Nothing." She replied "He was just... being Alex."

"Well you definitely weren't being you." She retorted rolling her eyes..

"Yeah." She grumbled..

"Dr. Sloan is a manwhore." Izzy hissed out joining them as they looked at the busy nurses station below...

Meredith looked over at her and rolled her eyes letting out a sigh..

"Alex is a pig." Christina hissed.

"Derek is a selfish bastard that's ruining my life." Meredith added in a stern tone...

"What are we going to do?" Izzy muttered...

"Cut em all off I say.. give us one less worry."

"No." Meredith mumbled "Then we'd just have a population filled with stupid men whining about missing their penises."

"They do whine." Izzy said raising their eyebrows "Wouldn't want to give them another thing to wine about."

"Yeah." Meredith sighed..

"Boys are stupid." Christina muttered.

"Boys ARE stupid." Izzy emphasized...

"Boys are stupid." Meredith said monotonely as she watched Derek approach the nurses station..

He grabbed something and walked off with his head held low as though he had something weighing on him... she sighed and turned to Izzy...

"Turn down Mark any chance you get, don't let him even get a comment up on you.. he hates women that are superior to him."

Izzy raised her brow then nodded in appreciation.. Meredith turned to walk off but took a step back and looked at Christina..

"And seriously... please keep Alex's head out of your lap its just... disturbing."

Christina nodded and let out a sigh as Meredith walked off to her patients grateful for the ending of her day and hoping that her date with Finn later didn't have any weird surprises or changes.. she wanted.. she needed some type of stability to her day.

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