Chapter 46

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Before I'm on my way, I've one more thing to ask..
Was it worth the price you paid.. For my never coming back?
--John Mayer

"So how was your lunch thing with McDreamy?" Christina asked as she walked up to Meredith in the hallway..

"It was weird." She retorted... "Too weird."

"How weird is too weird?"

"For starters it was the first non-topic conversation since we..." she sighed "He asked me if Finn was good in bed."

"Oh." Christina shrugged and then her eyes widened and her lips pursed together "Ohhhh."

"Yeah... weird... I don't know how much more of weird I can take."

"So did you tell him?" she asked..

"What is there to tell... nothing... but I don't think he has the right to know that either."

"Wait." She frowned "You really haven't test driven his car yet have you?"

Meredith narrowed her eyes at her and shook her head... before letting out a sigh...

"I have morals ok, and those morals... they are a part of who I am.. and the person I was has been shaken to the core the past five years and I've had to change and adapt a lot of who I am... and I'd like to keep the one thing that I have left that hasnt changed."

"You make no sense whatsoever." Christina said shaking her head...

"Look." She sighed and lowered her voice "Derek and I... we.. um... we didn't... we weren't together until our wedding night... I haven't ever slept with anyone outside of marriage and its not a religious thing, it's a me thing... so I'm not going to start now."

"So." Christina said looking shocked "McDreamy was your..."


"Lucky bitch." Christina muttered...

Meredith narrowed her eyes and was about to respond when they heard a loud commotion going on in the patient's room behind them and turned to see a couple fighting...

"What is that about?" Christina asked...

"I don't know?" Meredith said a little lost as they watched the scene..

"Look we broke up!" the woman screamed "I told you that you don't have to be here!"

"Fine Gracie!" the man screamed back "If you want to push everyone away like that then I'm gone... enjoy dying alone!"

He grabbed his jacket off the chair and stormed out of the room.. Meredith realized it was one of her patients and caught the man as he stormed down the hall..

"Excuse me!" she called out.. the man stopped and turned around to Meredith with anger in his eyes "What was that?"

"Gracie is being unreasonable... we broke up a while back and I was just trying to be her friend but.. apparently its impossible!"

"You know she's under a lot of stress right now." Meredith said trying to calm him "She's going into a risky surgery this afternoon and its got a lot of complications... its just stress."

"Its not just stress." He replied "She's just... she's always like this... she's impossible to get along with.. just when I think she's bearable to be around she turns around and does something to push me away... its just.. its over."

"How can you be so sure?" Meredith asked...

"Because." The man replied with sadness in his eyes "Sometimes enough is enough.. sometimes... you just know it cant work."

Meredith stood there watching him walk off down the hallway and felt a pain in her chest as the situation and what he said hit her and sunk in deeper than she thought it would..

She closed her eyes and let out a long breath before shaking it off and turning stopping an intern in the hall...

"Go prep Miss Reynolds for surgery."

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