Chapter 74

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He was my strongest weakness, I surrendered heart and soul. Its gonna be a long, long time til I regain control, I'm still a prisoner held captive by his memory.
He was my strongest weakness, and I'm afraid he'll always be.
--Wynonna Judd

"So mcvet is back in town huh?" Christina asked as she walked up to Merdith standing at the nurses station desk..

"So?" she shruged not looking up from her work

"So what does that mean for you and your little escapade with mcdre-"

"Its not!" She hissed shooting Christina a warning look "And its not being talked about remember, you agreed."

"Christina never agrees with anything."

"So how are things with you and what's his face?" she asked trying to shift the topic of the conversation.

"They're fine and you're not changing subject."

"I am, how was your christmans."

"Bloody. I spent it here and boyless."

"Bet he was upset about it."

"Who cares, you have no right to question me about boy problems when you're sleeping with two men."

"No." she said shaking her head "I've only slept with one of them and its never happening again."

"Uh huh." She says with an eye roll "Like any woman can say no to that man."

"Its posible." Meredith says confidently "Its all a matter of self control and will power and I for one have a strong sense of both."

"Then that thing the other day was..."

"An end of things." Meredith grits not wanting to speak about it "And like I said.. never happening again." She yawns and starts to feel the effects of her day having started at 3 am when her pager woke her from sleep and glances down the hallway "I need to catch some sleep if I'm going to make it through my next surgery."

"This conversation isnt over."

"It is!" she calls out as she walks down the hall "I have will power in other areas as well."

She smirks tiredly as she reaches the door to the oncall room and opens the door hoping it to be empty btu not really caring, at this point she would settle for sleeping in a corner on the floor.. she steps into the room and closes the door behind her with her heavy body and looks up.. she freezes and feels her breath escape her as her eyes clash with a set of blue ones across the room settled on the bed..

She can hear her pulse echoing inside of her head and she closes her eyes as she feels a click...

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