Chapter 1

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"So what do you think Mer?"

"Huh?" she replied lifting her nose from her paperwork to face the blonde across the lunch room table.

"The party!" Izzy exclaimed. "The gathering of people in one place."

"Oh." Meredith replied with a sigh "I don't think it's a good idea Iz."

"Why not?"

"Because that 'place' you're referring to is my home."

"Oh come on it'll just be a few people."

"Somehow I doubt that."

"Doubt what?" they heard and looked up to see a boyish looking man walking up with a tray full of food.

"Oh I was just explaining to Meredith that this gathering is not going to be some out of control party."

"The answer is no, and aren't we a little too old to be partying still?"

"Its just a little celebration for us entering our fellowships Mer." George mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"See!" Izzy exclaimed "That's exactly what it is!"

"Right." Meredith said with an eye roll "Except we entered our fellowships 18 months ago."

"Cahill is a narcissistic ass! He completely stole that surgery right out from under me... if I could go back 18 months I would choose a different damn specialty, one that has a stronger surgery police.." They heard and looked up to see a petite asian woman sitting down at the table...

"We were just explaining to Meredith that it would be nice to have a little celebration get together Friday night in honor of our hard work in our fellowships." Izzy explained.

"You and little don't go hand in hand." Christina replied

"Thank you!" Meredith gasped in approval.

"But hey, if there's booze I'm in!" Christina retorted with a finish receiving a look from Meredith.. she looked at the three and threw her hands up in defeat letting out a long sigh.

"Whatever." She muttered "Have your damn party its not like I'll be home anyways."

"You know Mer." George mumbled through his salad bite "You could come, maybe even invite some of your other friends."

"I'm a surgeon, I don't have friends." She muttered engrossed in her paperwork. They all three furrowed their brows and looked at her...

"Then what are we?" Christina asked

"Co-workers, roommates." Meredith replied not taking her eyes off her work "Either one is a viable explanation as to why you three always seem to be everywhere all the time." They all rolled their eyes as they watched her scribble down notes..

"Maybe it would do some good to come then Mer." George replied "You count meet some new people."

"Dr. O'Malley." Meredith said with a sigh as she snapped a chart closed and looked up at him squarely "I make a strong hard effort to not meet new people and I'm not going to change who I am now, so thank you for the offer but no thank you."

"Well at the least you could get a chance to get laid I mean who doesn't need that." Izzy blurted out. Meredith looked at her appalled as did the other two at the table but Izzy just gave a shrug of her shoulders. Meredith stood up grabbing her mound of charts and started to walk away quickly.

"Have fun at your party, but if you destroy anything it will without a doubt be your last, and I don't mean because your reputation would be ruined, I mean because you will be dead." Meredith threatened as she retreated. They watched her walk off with a wrinkle of their brows and turned to each other.

"I wonder why she's so much of a homebody." Izzy questioned.

"So what kind of brew are you buying?" Christina asked not phased by her inquiry.

"Christina!" Izzy hissed annoyed at her lack of compassion.

"What?" she shrugged. "You've got like a day to throw the party and Meredith's been dark and twisty for the five years we've known her. Do you want to go on mission party-of-the-year or mission impossible?" Izzy looked at her with a sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest.


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