Chapter Seventy-Seven: Zhu Bajie

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

Here comes an uncle!~
Season 4 Ming design!~
Don't forget that I'm going for more cannon accurate Journey to the that means it'll be different in this chapter from the show.

Kao Cai is pronounced Cow Sai

Arriving in a swamp, Ming landed in her brother's lap alongside Mei and Red Son landing behind them, the four sitting upon the docks that overlooked a small lake, that Tang had the misfortune of dropping into. Only a moment later, did the poor scholar come bursting back up from the watery depths, screeching in fear as he used his feet the keep the jaws of an alligator from clapping around him, three of the four kids present screaming in distress.

Quick to get to his feet, the bull prince let out a burst of flames towards the reptile, who immediately stopped his attack on their friend/foster father, in favor of seeking shelter underneath the safety of the water.

Both monkey and dragon teen grabbed an arm, heaving the shaking man up, onto the wood and checked him over for injuries, sighing in relief when they found none, speedily walking a good ways away from the swamp to a safer part of the forest that surrounded them, so as not to risk another reptile encounter.

"The book said nothing about swamps in Dadsy's chapter!" MK panted out, as his body came down from it's adrenaline high, everyone sitting on rocks to regain some energy. 

"Right, well, we shouldn't dawdle," Getting up, the fire user brushed off some leaves that'd landed on his lap and dust, before holding a hand out for Ming to take before picking her up into his arms, the others following suit behind them. "Don't forget Azure Lion's warning...we don't want the scroll's curse to find out about us."

The trekk from the forest took some time, though eventually they managed to find a way out, alongside spotting a fair sized village off in the distance, walking in it's directions in the hopes of finding some clues to a certain chef's location.

Upon reacting the outskirts, MK spotted a young man and walked over, waving with a smile, "Hello there!"

"Ah! More demons!" Jumping to his feet, the man made to run, only to stop when Mei used her draconic speed to block his exit, a smirk on her face. 

"Going somewhere?"

"They're everywhere!" The poor stranger cried out, yelping out in shock when Tang put a hand on his shoulder, whipping around in fright, before sighing in relief upon seeing that the scholar was human. "Oh thank the gods, you're human! Please, wise monk, help me get rid of these demons!"

"A-ah, no, it's alright, they're friendly!" Trying to reassure the poor person that their group's intentions were good, the noodle freeloader was quick to explain them. "You see, we're on the search for a pig demon, he's about ye-big, pink skin, scowl constantly on his face. Goes by the name Pig--uh...Zhu Bajie."

The male's eye widened, and a big grin spread across his face, "Th-then perhaps we can help each other!" Motioning for them to follow, their guide introduced himself, "My name is Kao Cai, and the demon you're searching for, is the same reason I am out here on the edge of the village."

Coming across a large house, Kao opened the door and led them in--the group taking off their shoes--towards a table that an old man sat at, the male nearly chocking on his tea when he looked up to see the strange group, with Kao quickly explaining what was going on.

After introductions were done, the old man--who was called Makko--told them of his plight, "A while back, a very handsome young man had come calling for my daughter's hand in marriage, and she'd accepted. We held a beautiful wedding and gifted the newly married couple a lovely house nearby, but...well, it turns out that the 'man', is actually a shape-shifting pig demon. I--naturally--objected to such a union, and sent Kao Cai here to find someone to exorcise the demon. Truly, despite the fact that the demon is hard working, and a lovely chef, all I truly wish is for my daughter's safe return."

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