Chapter Ten: Eight Legged Empress

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Warning: Violence, mentions of a panic attack

Seems as though Monkey King's powers wasn't the only thing MK got 🤔 

Ming held onto MK as the gang sped down the street in the Water Jet, giggling happily at the fast speeds, feeling like she was on Wukong's Somersault Cloud.

"Rescue Mission!" Mei shouted happily, the wind whipping through her hair, tangling it. MK sweatdropped, knowing he'd have to help her untangle it later. "Dead ahead!~"

The sibling duo looked at where the dragon girl pointed, seeing the stall from the video.....also noting how quickly they were coming up on it.

"M-Mei," MK panicked. "Maybe we should slow--DOWN!!"

Unfortunately the male was too late, as the gang had crashed straight into the stall, and sped down the trapdoor. Sandy still hadn't slowed down, which meant the four of them had no time to react, before the jet slammed into a massive spider web. This freaked out Ming and MK, the two paling at the sticky substance surrounding them, quickly climbing out of the vehicle and running over to where Sandy and Mei were. 

"Maybe you should've saved your boat for an adventure with more water," Mei humms as they inspect the damage.

"Yeah," Sandy gave a nervous chuckle. "I just got excited."

"Argh! Spider demon!" MK's sudden screech, caused the others to jump, Mei pulling out the Dragon Blade and Ming hiding behind Sandy.

The others looked around for said threat, only to get confused when they saw nothing, Mei groaning as she realized, that MK was panicking over the tiny spider on his head. The dragon girl walked over, and with a puff of air from her lips, the small spider fell off of MK's head, "MK, it's just a little baby spider. Come on! Let's go find Pigsy!"

"And Tang!" Sandy piped in.

Ming squeaked in fear as the spider walked past her, running over to MK, who picked her up and held Ming close.

"O-okay!" MK shook off his fear, the best he could, giving a confident pose to help ease Ming's fear. "I'll use my Super Sight of Truth, to find our friends, in this palace of nightmares!~"

Ming giggled, watching as MK activated Monkey King's Golden Eyes, Sandy looking at the boy in curiosity, "What do you see, MK?"

A horrified look painted the boy's face, who immediately paled, and deactivated the Golden Eyes, "I-it's u-uh.....full of spiders.....heh..."

MK felt his body seize up, the boy's severe fear of the arachnid's, starting a mild-panic attack. A gentle chirping noise broke him out of it however, and MK looked down at Ming, who had noticed MK starting to panic. The teen smiled, patting Ming on the head, who smiled back.

"I've got another solution for this!~" Mei smirked, pointing the Dragon Blade in front of her, and blasting a hole in the wall. "There we go, easy peasy!~"

MK puts Ming on his back for her to hold on 'monkey style,' as he summoned the staff, following Sandy and Mei through the hole. They looked around for the two they'd come to rescue, with Sandy spotting the two tied up in webbing, "Pigsy! Tang!"

A web suddenly appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Sandy and yanking upwards into the darkness, before doing the same to Mei, who dropped her sword on the ground. The two reappeared on the same web as Pigsy and Tang, leaving MK and Ming to face off against the Spider Demon, the male teen walking backwards, fearfully in search of the enemy.

Snickering made MK turn around, to come face to face with the spider demon in question, who gave the two a smirk, "Don't tell me you're scared of spiders?"

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