Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cursed City

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Warning: Cursing

Don't panic MK...he's panicking

"Oh come on Ming, it's only for a month at most," Monkey King gave his daughter a nervous expression, trying to reason with the pouting she-monkey, who was angrily burying her face into her brother's chest.

"Maaaaaaac!" The golden king whined, looking over his shoulder at the dark furred monkey, who was currently packing up for their trip. "Ming won't talk to me!"

"Work it out," Was the dismissive response he'd gotten, the shadow demon too busy making sure they had everything, that way they'd be prepared for their trip.

Wukong scowled, "Real helpful."

"So, why do you need to leave again?" MK asked, shuffling nervously on his feet, looking between his two fathers.

Macaque stopped mid-pack and his golden husband froze, the pair still nervous about telling their kids what was going on, but the shadow demon sighed and walked over, "Do you remember when we fought Spider Queen two weeks ago?"

A nod.

"Well, it would seem that she wasn't the true culprit behind the attack," The tanned king sighed, as the family sat down together, Ming looking up from her sibling's chest in curiosity. "Instead, it was someone by the name of...The Lady Bone Demon."

MK felt a shiver run up his spine, as his fur fluffed up in fear, "Wh--who is that?"

"She's the bitch who tore out you father's eye," Came the angry snarl from Wukong.

"Language!" Macaque whacked his husband upside the head with a scowl, before giving a tired sigh, turning back to the surprised kids. "But yes, she's the one who tore out my eye...and triggered my curse."

"After we uh...beat her,"The golden king struggled to put his husband's curse, graphically tearing apart the demon, into words that wouldn't scar the two for life. "We sealed her away in a tomb, before burying her where nobody could find her."

"I'm guessing, that the strange power that DBK found, was her?" The teen rose a brow, frowning when the two nodded. "So if we broke the canisters, then how did she find Spider Queen?"

"The Bone Woman possessed a body, much like she did with the Bull King," The lantern wielder hummed out. "Only this time, it's a little girl."

"Then if she's out there now, why are you two leaving?" MK's voice was filled with fear. "Why not fight her?"

"Because it's not that simple," Wukong sighed, shoulders sagging, showing how aged the king truly was. "She's smart, manipulative, and views the world like some sort of twisted game that she's playing. If we dive in headfirst, then it'd just be playing right into her hands."

"That's why we're leaving," Macaque continued. "To find information on her, and a potential weapon that could help us, since the last one is...not currently available."

The family winced at the mention of the shadow demon, that was currently held at bay, within Macaque's body.

"Right, so what do you need me to do?" The boy gave a determined look to his parents.

"Protect the city, and stop any sort of plans she might be cooking up," The golden furred simian explained. "She's weak now, but it won't stay like that for long. You blocking any moves she makes, will give us time to find something, and get back."

"I won't let you down!~" MK smiled, tail wagging happily.

"Try your best cub," Macaque pulled the two kids in for a hug, running his fingers through his eldest's hair. "That's all we ask."

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