Chapter Seventy-Eight: Bai Long Ma

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

You don't know the amount of mental pain I've had to endure, having to listen to my friends--Kieran included--simp over this damm dragon and wolf dudes 😑
Above is an image of Ravati drawn by Kieran, I don't want to hear ANY negative comments! He worked hard on this drawing, and I WILL block you if I see anything negative.
This chapter WILL be following the LMK plotline, instead of the JTTW one, I like to have the two stories mix well.

Sitting outside the house of Zhu Bajie and Akio, poor Pigsy was left to groan in embarrassment, over the fact that he'd acted like he had, whilst under the curse of the scroll, " a stranger no less!"

"There, there Pigsy, it's fine," Laughing, Tang simply patted his husband's back sympathetically, whilst Mei sharpened her sword, MK planned out where'd they go to next in the story, and Red Son continued to teach Ming on controlling the Samadhi Fire. Neither having a chance to train for a while, after the ball incident with Jade Face. "We all know that wasn't you talking."

"I'm just excited to finally meet my ancestor!" The dragon girl's tail thumped against the ground in excitement, at the thought of meeting her great-grandfather, after hearing so many stories from Wukong and Macaque. "If he's anything like how the monkey dads say he is, then I can't wait!~"

At this, some sort of strange light flashed across the sky, and the once idyllic scenery turned a cold turquoise in color, ink dripping down from cracks in the sky, sending shivers up the group's spine.

"Shit, the curse must've found us!" DBK's son growled, scooping up the youngest into his arms, as the group all went back to back, in order to cover one another, weapons out.

Quickly, Tang slammed the staff down upon the ink covered grass, summoning forth the portal spell to get them all out of there, though unfortunately not fast enough, as a massive ink elephant appeared from the abyss, readying it's hammer to strike down MK.

Upon seeing this, Mei instinctively moved to cover her brother, sword clashing with hammer, and the sharp jade weapon shattering to bits, making the dragon's eyes widen in horror, before they were sent flying back, each individual being relocated to a different chapter in the story.

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Opening up her eyes, Mei found herself in a beautifully groven path full of cherry trees in full bloom, only for her jade orbs to fill with tears at the sight of the handle of her weapon, the cracked remnants of it scattered across the earth, " family sword...."

Unfortunately, she had no time to mourn it's loss or wonder where her friends and family were, as soldiers dressed in yellow and deep plum purple pointed their spears at her, wolf head helmets glaring down upon her, not saying a word as they clasped some sort of strange collar around her neck, and cutting off her Qi flow to her draconic side, making it so that she had no way to access her draconic powers or form, leaving only her features and shattered sword to remain.

Dragging her through the path and up a fuck ton of stairs, she found herself coming to a gold, white and purple wolf themed palace, snapping and snarling at any who dare get close to her, "I don't know who you assholes are, but paws off!"

Approaching the entrance, the door silently opened up, allowing her to be thrown in before it silently shut behind her, a voice causing the lizard to look up, "Well, well, well, who is this little creature who comes wandering into my den?"

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