Chapter Forty-Five: Kingdom Lost

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

Oh yeah...trauma


"YOU!! You leave my brother alone you BITCH!!" Came Mei's enraged voice, the dragon girl leaping off of the airship and summoning forth her spectral dragon, it's mouth charging up an attack, only to fail when the Lady Bone Demon easy sent her slamming back in the metal shell of Sandy's ship with a flick of her wrist, the rest of the gang soon following.

"Guys! NO!!" MK cried out in horror, looking up helplessly due to how much energy the spell circle had drained from his body, before turning back to the bone woman, tears running down his face like a waterfall. "Let them go! Please! I-I'll give you the whatever you want! Just please...let them go..."

"You've done well MK...mastered so many powers..." The boys pleading fell on deaf ears, as LBD's host's hair changed from black to white, light blue ghosts hovering around her with eerie cackles. "It's seems you're ready to meet your destiny~"

"You leave my kid out of this you bi--"

Pigsy let out a cry of pain as the Bone Witch increased her magic's weight upon him, sending waves of pain through the poor old demon's body.

"Stop it! STOP IT! STOP IT!!"

In a swirl of glowing orange magic, MK unconsciously summoned forth his kaiju, the monster turning to look down upon the white haired demoness with a snarl, before slamming it's fist down upon her...but even this didn't work, her magic easily sucking the monster up and into herself with a spin chilling grin.

Filling up another part of the spell...

"I do apologize for what comes next~"

Laughter of the blue spirits filled the air as they swirled around the remains of the mech, collecting every last piece and reforging it into something much more sinister...a mech of bones and ice cold magic, wrapped up in glowing white chains.

Growling, MK felt his fur bristle as the desire to protect his family started to override his fear of the white clad demon woman. Jumping up and twirling the staff, the young prince went to attack once again...when a thought occurred, stopping him in his tracks.

"My attacks...every time I attack...I grow weaker, while you--"

"Become even more powerful than before!" The Lady Bone Demon cackled, as shards of ice burst forth from the sand below, aiming for MK in an attempt to skewer him, but a force pushing him back saved the young monkey cub just in time.

As the teen looked up, a choked sob left his mouth at the sight of Ba frozen in ice, the female general's face forever stuck in a look of determination...determination to save him.

"Such a noble sacrifice," LBD cooed mockingly, before sneering down at the crying prince. "But a foolish one nonetheless...though I suppose it saves me the trouble of tracking her down."

"Wàipó!!" Came Ming's heart wrenching cry, the young monkey having no choice but watch, the bone woman's magic keeping her in place.

Shakily placing a paw upon the ice where his grandmother was trapped, gold and purple magic sparked around MK's form as the teen's pure and unrestrained rage began to surface, a gowl that made the gang all freeze rippled from the young hero's throat.

"I'm not going to let you hear me?" The teen snarled. "I'm...not...going to...let you...WIN!!!!"

A wave of magic shot the airship back, with Mei being the only one managing to jump off before it went flying up into the clouds, landing next to her brother, sword out and ready for battle, her own jade colored magic sparking up.

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