Chapter Seventy-One: Rebel Forces

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Warning: Cursing, Violence, mentions of character death

Lil' Baby Ming has so much trauma

"My lady's power is too great to best!~" The 'Mayor' sneered with a laugh, eyes crazed with madness. "Your friend will surrender the fire, my lady's victory is assured!~"

"She didn't look too good the last time we saw her," Everyone turned to where a tied up Rumble, Savage and Kieran were sitting, the female monkey being the one to speak. "In fact, she looked like shit."

"Nu-uh! You three are in time out, so you don't get to chime in!" MK snapped, glaring over at the trio of siblings. "Sandy! Spin 'em!"

"Uh, sorry...Rumblly, Samage and Kierfan," The water demon apologized, turning the trio around so that they were facing away from the group, patting each of their head affectionately, as the blue skinned male hadn't the heart to be firm to any of them.

"You must've seen it MK," It was Rumble's turn to speak now, the shortest of the ice trio turning his head as far as it would go, to face the group of heros. "The witch might be stronger than ever, but she's spread too thin. The mech, the two crystals, and now Wukong? Keeping him suppressed is taking every ounce of strength she's got! We should know...we've been in her service for long enough after all..."

"That means, there's a vulnerability!" Red Son hummed out in thought, bull tail flicking as he spoke aloud.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Pigsy interject angrily, pointing at the trio who'd been turned back around by our resident tea lover, the swine not liking where this was going. "We're really going to listen to these three?! After all they've done?!"

"It's our only option left dadsy," MK frowned, his own tail having been dragging limply on the stone floor for a while now, the separation of his troop affecting the teen's mental state worse than he'd like to admit. 

"So what's the plan?" Tang asked, everyone now turning to the monkey teen for ideas, who blinked at the sudden attention.

"Well, if the Lady Bone Demon needs the mech to use the Samadhi Fire, then all we've gotta' do is destroy it!" The young simian said with a smirk, slamming his fist into the palm of his hand.

"What about your ginger haired father?" Red Son interjected, deadpanning at the obvious flaw in his crush's plan. "The witch will obviously send him after us! And how will we rescue your sister and Six-Ears? What about the host?"

"Host???" The others blinked in confusion, not having heard of this before.

"Had Macaque not informed you about her?" The bull teen frowned, confused as to why the tanned monkey hadn't told them this information.

They all shook their heads.

"Well, the bone spirit obviously lost her physical form in her first fight with the pair of simians, so obviously she needs one now." DBK's son began to explain to the group. "The first was my father, and the current one is a little least...according to Macaque it is..."

This made the other heros frown.

"So how will we separate them then?" Mei bit her lip nervously, fiddling with the fur on the end of her tail, not wanting to injure an innocent child in the process of beating their enemy.

"May we interject?"

Turning around, the hero's all noted that it was Savage who spoke, "After freeing Wukong, the bone witch would have enough power accumulated to separate herself from the host, and the anger from losing said monkey would make her do so anyways. So by freeing the Monkey King, you'd free the host in the process."

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