Minisode Thirteen: Scaly Transformation

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Warning: Cursing

Full Transformation and ✨drama✨ 

The screams of Mei Dragon/Sun Six-Ears was what graced Flower Fruit Mountain that morning, rattling the entire family house/mansion, and causing Rumble, Savage, Ming, Macaque and MK to screech in pain as they bolted up from sleep, sensitive ears ringing from their sister/daughter's screaming.

So of course, everyone was up and bolting towards the dragon's room, slamming the door open only to come face to face with an actual dragon. Specifically, a juvenile dragon, it's jade scales shining brightly in the morning light, as it's terrified jade eyes landed on the group.

"Da'!" Claws scrambling against the hardwood floor, the dragon--which was about the length of of four school buses and took up the entire room and then some--rushed towards poor Macaque, tackling him to the floor and dripping tears onto the poor shadow's shirt. "Help me! I don't--I don't--!"

"Mei?!" The entire family cried out in shock, once the realized who the dragon was, at both her voice and the sight of torn clothes hanging off her scaled limbs and horns.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down little warrior," Somehow managing to sit up, the ex-general scooped up as much of his draconic daughter into his lap as he could, and ran his fingers through her mane soothingly, the others sitting down on the floor around the panicking dragon and tired shadow. "Easy there, easy...deep breaths."

"Wh-what's going on?" MK asked, tail flicking nervously as he stared at his sibling's new appearance.

"She's taken on a full transformation, which is actually surprising, considering how far down the Dragon Family Line she is," Macaque explained, gently studying the girl's claws and eyes, to make sure she hadn't been injured turning into a dragon. "I'd recommend that we go to Ao Guang for help, since he's more well versed in this than I am."

A groan left Wukong's lips, "Really? Him?"

"Well, if you'd rather let your daughter suffer--"

"I-I never said that!" The sun sputtered out, fur puffing up, as a horrified expression painted his face at the very notion of him not caring for the dragon.

"Then get dressed, we're going to the Eastern Palace," Getting up, the old warrior handed over the dragon to her brother--MK--who took her to grab some clothes for after she'd changed back, as the others went to get dressed.

"Macaque," Stopping, the simian in question turned to the ice trio--plus Bai He--who were nervously standing in the hallway, Savage having been the one to talk. "We...we weren't exactly the nicest the last time we were there so..."

"How about you four plant that new batch of apple seeds in the orchard?" The moon suggested, patting each on the head and watching them sigh in relief and walk off to get dressed and work on the plants, before he went to get ready himself.


"I see you and your family have decided to grace my palace with your presence once again," The Dragon King of the East Sea gretted the group, as the sun, moon and stars stepped out of the bubble they'd used to reach the underwater city, it popping once they were all out, eyes widening as they landed on Mei, who was being held in MK's arms. "She..."

"As you can tell, we're here to request your help Ao Guang," Watching as the white clad king stepped towards the two teens, the male monkey's grip tightening slightly as he watched, nervous that a repeat of their first time might happen again, not wanting to seperate from his sister and best friend. "I know it's been a few centuries since you've last dealt with this, but we're hoping you haven't lost your touch."

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