Chapter Seventy-Three: The Innocence of Mercy

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Warning: Violence

Children always see the good in others, even when it's not there

Also, prepare for Minisodes coming after this chapter, involving your favorite ice trio, and maybe...a date between a certain bull and monkey~  Hehehehehehehehehehehehe~

"H-hate to break up this beautiful family reunion," Savage interjected, making the Two Kings family look over at where she, Rumble and Kieran were shakily standing up, the female of the ice trio pointing up in LBD's direction. "But, now that Wukong's not possessed and Six-Ears isn't frozen in ice..."

"Shit/Oh no!!" Monkey King and MK both exclaim, everyone gritting their teeth as a powerful blast of ice-cold wind swept over them.

"Predictably, unpredictable fools!!" The bone demon snarled, the wind slightly calming to allow her voice to be heard. "I'm not one to rush destiny--" The group's eyes widened at the sight of cracks forming across the demoness's face. "But will not be undone by a troop of headstrong simians!!"

Light blue flames flashed across the Lady Bone Demon's figure, and her once white and dark blue hair when completely stark white, the demon lady pushing out the young girl that once hosted her, leaving only the spirit behind.

Quick on his feet, Rumble dashed forwards and caught the host, sighing in relief when he saw that she was unharmed, narrowing his eyes as the foul witch continued her rant, "If the monkey child will not give me the fire willingly."

Down inside the chest of the mech, a bolt of light blue lighting struck the crystal encasing Ming, the poor cub crying out in pain, Red Son, Mei, Sandy and Tang gasping in horror.

"Then I will rip it from her!!"

All throughout the frozen wasteland, you could see the maroon flames engulf the Bone Mech as a bone-chilling screech echoed around the heros. MK, Wukong, Macaque, the passed out host and the ice trio all falling off the top of the mech to avoid getting hit by a blast of flames.

Inside the chest, Red Son pushed Mei down into the arms of a waiting Sandy before the dragon girl could be hit, grunting as he was hit full force by the fire, "Go! I'll get through to Golden Eyes...somehow..."

Hesitant to leave the pair, the four ran towards the hole they'd left upon entrance, with Mei summoning forth her dragon to catch the other falling group, and landing them safely on the ground, looking up as LBD commanded her robot to summon forth a pair of gigantic swords, engulfed in the maroon flames.

"You're right MK," The white bone demon's chilling voice echoed down at the group. "If you'd never found that staff, none of this would've been possible...a delivery boy to the end~"

Gritting their teeth and storming forwards, Wukong and Macaque each held an arm out to prevent the others from trying to stop both MK and Mei, having faith in the two's next decision...whatever it may be.

"Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King! No Six-Eared Macaque! No Monkey Kid!!" LBD laughed in triumph, raising the swords above her head, and bringing them down to strike into to the ground......

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