Chapter Thirty-Five: Repercussions

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

Never mess with a demon monkey's family

Jiějie=Big Sister
Gēge=Big Brother

"Our first judge!" The announcer cheerfully exclaims, as a huge gust of wind blows back the curtains, revealing the first judge to everyone watching. "Princess Iron Fan!~"

"Eh?!" MK, Mei, Pigsy and Ming exclaim, shocked that the prideful demoness would voluntarily be here, given that she'd shown such distaste for 'peasant folk' and being around them. Something that Red Son had obviously gotten from her.

Angrily, yet elegantly, slumping into her seat, Iron Fan caught the confused looks from the young prince and the chef. She pointed over at Yin and Jin, who gave her cheeky smiles. Oh. The two had probably bribed her, which isn't something the male teen saw them being able to pull off, or the more likely option, they'd won a bet against her. The princess was a demon of her word, even if it sabotaged her own pride in the process. MK gave a sympathetic look over to the woman, because despite the fact that they were enemies, it still sucked having to deal with the Gold and Silver siblings.

"Judge number two, is none other than....a little girl?!"

Everyone in the crowd blinked in confusion, looking over at where the curtains had opened, only to all coo at how adorable the very confused looking Ming was, said monkey wondering how on earth she'd gotten at the judge's station. One moment she was in Mei's lap, the next, some strange demon lady had snatched her off the teen's lap, and shoved her out onto the stage.

Fiddling nervously with her tail, and looking about ready to break down crying, the little she-monkey only shuffled in place. Iron Fan got out of her seat with a sigh, shooting a very nasty look at Jin and Yin, who she could only assume were responsible for this mess. The fan user gently scooped up the younger female, and walked back over to the judge's table, setting Ming down in her lap and rubbing it in soothing motions, much like she did when Red Son was younger.

As for the gang, Mei was raging in the stands, Dragon Blade out and struggling against the security staff, as she tried to break into the back and grab the youngest. MK and Pigsy were rightfully seething, with the younger male itching to take out his staff, but holding back so he wouldn't cause a scene and risk his foster father's business suffering due to the bad publicity.

Though the dark aura he radiated seemed to make up for that. A true mini-Macaque in the making.

"R-right...well! Our third judge, is the illustrious food critique Tang! Otherwise known as Golden Cicada Yum-Yum!~"

For the third and final time, the curtains opened up to show the last of the judges, with the scholar walking out and sitting down in his chair. He coyly looked over at his husband, who sighed a facepalmed at the human's antics. Of course Tang would do that.


"I know kiddo'," The pig demon huffed, shaking his head, as he felt himself age thirty more years.

"First up is Speedy Panda!~" The announcer's voice swept over the crowd, as the demon twins walked up and presented their...'dishes', with little Ming's nose scrunching up in distaste at both the smell and the sight of the food, from where she still sat on Princess Iron Fan's lap. "With what looks like an assortment of mushy Dimsum filled with--"

"Mystery Meat!~" Jin explained with a smirk.

"With a side of Deep Fried Spring Rolls, topped with whatever sauce was in this packet," Yin joined in, showing some random red and green sauce packet. "It's edible...enough."

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