Chapter Forty-Four: Early Morning Training

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Warning: Violence, cursing

Ming likes watching her siblings train

Far outside the city of Wàn Qiān Chéng, in a desert of golden sand, several bursts of the finely ground rocks were seen to erupt like geysers, as a pair of teens clashed weapons. One being the prince of Flower Fruit Mountain, MK, the monkey teen dressed in another pair of training pants and no shirt. The other was Mei, the young dragon girl wearing her own training pants, and green sports bra, a golden pattern of a dragon decorating the top.

Sweat ran down both of their bodies due to the heat, the teens using the various techniques they'd been taught by the Two Kings to train, as a third party watched.

One awestruck monkey cub by the name of Ming.

This little one was wearing a white tank top and shorts, hair tied up in a messy bun, to help with the heat, herself sitting on a boulder off to the side of the mock battle, so as not to in the way and potentially get hurt. 

Laughter echoed across the sandy valley, as the younger of the trio of siblings saw her brother get launched into the air by Mei's dragon, which opened it's jaws in an attempt to swallow MK. Luckily enough, said male was quick on his feet and extended the staff to keep said jaws open, before making a daring face planting into the dirt.

Spitting out sand with a groan, the dark furred simian looked up at his opponent, Ao Ji's descendant laughing triumphantly as she pointed her blade at MK, "Monkie Kid, so it's come to this!! Mwhahahaha!"

"You haven't won yet!" The male laughed, twirling his staff a bit. "I'm just getting warmed up!~"

Raising up his staff and slamming it into the ground, MK created a dust cloud to hide his escape, making Mei gasp as she lost sight of her brother, searching frantically in order to not let him get the drop on her.

Little did she know, was that the young hero had used the opportunity to shrink himself down and bolt straight towards Mei, using the staff to vault himself through his sister's legs and right behind her, before growing himself to a massive size, and body slamming the poor dragon girl.

"Ack!" Said female wheezed, the weight of MK's size immediately expelling any air she had in her lungs. "G-get off ya' big lug!"

Laughing, the simian teen returned to his normal size, and collapsed into the sand next to Mei, right as Ming ran up to them with the walkie-talking in her paws. Pigsy had given it to them before the trio left for training, just in case they needed anything.

"Earth to kiddos," The bubblegum pink demon's voice sounded through the device. "You three there?"

Thanking his sister with a head pat, and gently taking the device in his paws, MK responded, "Yeah Dadsy, we're here, what's up?"

"It's time for breakfast you three, so let's take a break and get some food and fresh water in you," Pigsy hummed.

"We'll be there in a sec! Thanks!~" 

Turning off the device, the male stood up and held a paw out to his draconic sister, who gladly took it, whilst also taking Ming in her arms, right as MK shifted into his hawk form and carried them off towards Sandy's airship.

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Sipping on the ice tea that Sandy had been kind enough to make for them, MK, Ming and Mei all sat in a circle and took a momentary break from training, before they'd be out and about again on the sand. This time, MK would be helping Ming learn to aim better with her bow and arrow.

"You've totally got the hang of this Mystic Monkey Business!~" Mei spoke up with a confident look, gaining both the siman's attention.

"Aw, thanks Mei," The male flushed, slightly embarrassed by his sister's praise.

"Monkie Kid," The dragon girl started, gaining laughs from the other two, as she started off on one of her long 'Compliment Rants,' as the gang called it. "Master of Staff, King of Clones, Pro of think Big and Smol! Hero of the Universe! Hero of being smart enough to move the training sessions out to the desert so we wouldn't potentially harm the city!~"

Tackling their brother into a hug, Mei and Ming cheered happily, "We got this!~"

As soon as the two girls said this, a blast of eerie blue lighting shot up from the ground, sending shivers down the trio's spines, as they ran over to the airship's railing to see what was wrong, as Sandy, Tang and Pigsy ran out of the kitchen due to the noise.

"G-gē that?" The younger female whimpered.

"The Lady Bone Demon," MK, Mei and Pigsy growled, whilst Sandy and Tang both gasped in horror.

A sudden jolt of the ship caused them all to cry out in surprise, immediately going to stabilize themselves as an eerie blue and white Spider Mech burst forth from under the sand, it's glowing red eyes fixating themselves upon the group.

Gritting his teeth, the monkey prince summoned his staff and went to confront LBD, only for his demonic foster father to grab his wrist, "Kid, wait, you can't just--KID!!"

"MK!!!" All the others gasped, as the teen ripped himself from Pigsy's grasp, and transformed into a falcon, zipping towards the mech with anger and determination blazing in his eyes. 

He had to stop this mech.

He had to keep the city safe.

He had to keep his family safe.

Pushing back the sudden headache and chills that came with getting close to anything related to the bone spirit, MK turned back into his true form a few feet before impacting with the mech, twirling the staff and going to strike it down, he failed to notice himself pass through some strange spell circle.

As the staff made contact with the mech, our young hero used it to slice the massive beast into bits, his facial marking glowing and golden crown resting upon his head, right before the disappeared as the magic circle made it's reappearance, immediately draining MK of power.

Gasping the teen fell to his knees, trying his best to stay strong as a wave of ice cold wind washed over him.....

And the Lady Bone Demon made her appearance.......

To be Continued...........................

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