Minisode Fourteen: Grand Demonic Ball

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Warning: Cursing

Being royalty is stressful sometimes

Da Liangshan Massif--Is an actual place in China, and is the coldest place there, it's name meaning 'Great Cold Mountains', that bypasses the Yangtze River.

"A ball?" Both MK and Mei tilted their heads like curious puppies, as they sat with Red Son in the Bull Family's living room, with DBK and Iron Fan both currently picking out their outfits for said event.

"Yes, it's an important event to celebrate the victory against The Lady Bone Demon, as well as a few other things, such as the reforging of the Samadhi Fire," The bull teen explained, handing over the invitations to the royal duo, who studied the jade and gold paper curiously. 

"So why do you and your parents seem so...uh.....tense?" Not sure how else to put it, the dragon girl simply stuck with that word, wincing as she noted her friend's eye twitch in irritation.

"Because a different demon is chosen to host the ball every year, and this year it's...eugh...her," A snarl ripped past the redhead's throat, as his bull tail lashed about in anger, at the memory of whoever 'she' was.

"'Her'?" The siblings were now even more confused.

"The Jade Faced Princess," Iron Fan spat the demon's name out as if it was poison, as she and her husband entered the room. "She's the one tasked with hosting this year's ball."

MK and Mei winced sympathetically, knowing fully well what'd happened between the Huli Jing and the family, after spotting an unshredded image of her them before her and DBK's affair, and asking Red Son about it, the teen angrily bursting into flames and going on a rant about the entire thing, adding in quite a few nasty curse words for flavor.

Iron Fan wasn't home at the time.

"Didn't you say she was shunned by the other demon lords?" The monkey prince hummed, as he recalled the detail from his boyfriend's rant.

"Yes, but she wasn't kicked off the council, so she still has the duty of hosting balls, and her power is limited," Bull King explained with a sigh, seemingly equally exhausted with the idea of attending this event, as the rest of his family.

"Hopefully your parents will attending," The wind demoness spoke up, as a servant walked in with tea and snacks, the trio of teens thanking them for the food and drink. "It would be nice to have Macaque's back up on this event...he's always been good at subtly striking the enemy where it hurts~"

Visible shivers ran up the other's spines at the malicious look on the wind woman's face.

"Wait, so da' and paps weren't kicked off either?" The jade warrior asked, taking another sip of tea, as she picked up a Pineapple Bun. "Wasn't da' like, public enemy number one with all the other demons after the whole Journey thing?"

"Nobody was brave enough to walk to the mountain to deliver the notice in person," The bull family deadpanned in unison, making Wukong's kids go 'ah', as they realized how their father still seemed to manage to terrify demons to this day.

"It's kinda' funny that they're still scared of him," MK snickered, as he thought back to how goofy and loving his adoptive parent was, the ginger easily melting in his husbands touch. "I mean, you've both seen first hand how he is."

"Neither of you have witnessed his legendary rage first-hand," Iron Fan was quick to correct them, frowning as she remembered her own memory of the king, red eyes flashing in her mind. "Perhaps if you did, you'd understand their fear but...I would never wish that on innocent kids."

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