Chapter Forty-Three: Second Encounter

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Warning: Violence, Cursing, Mentions of mental disorders

Our first look at Kieran
Also, Kieran is a REAL LIFE PERSON, as well as my friend, whom I added into my book. Please do not make any sexual comments about her, otherwise I will report you. I am serious.

It took a while before Spider Queen left, allowing MK to climb down turn back to his normal size, trying to come up with a way to leave the cavern, but since he hadn't been in this part of the underground lair before, it was hard to know where to start...

The teen decided he'd follow his nose.

As he closed his eyes and allowed his senses to take over, the monkey prince smelt a familiar scent...gunpowder...and--was that festival food? MK's eyes flashed open, and he bolted off in the direction of the smell, gasping and stopping short, at the sight of the head of Spider Queen's mech being reconstructed by little Spider Drones.

Horror crept it's way into the teen's chest, a sick and twisting feeling pooling into his gut.

He has to stop this....before it was too late.


With Kieran, the young Huli Jing had continuously tripped over various rocks, traps and tech pieces left behind by the spider males, cursing them the entire time. Of course, this caused him to lose focus, and slam face first into a stone wall, screeching in pain, curse the spiders again, repeat steps one through four.

"Where the fuck is the monkey-looking ass bitch?!" They angrily shouted picking up a boulder and chucking it.

"Calm down sis," A sweet male voice echoed softly in the tunnel, despite no other physical presence was to be seen near Kieran, the fox's shadow twisting and morphing into two seperate ones. "Stress and anger will only blind you and--"

"But we need the monkey boy, and I can't find the bitch!" The vulpin demon threw her head back with a groan, glancing briefly at his split shadow.

"Stop whining, you're giving me a headache," Huffed a gruff female voice from the second shadow, which narrowed it's eyes.

"I do no such thing, my voice is amazing, I give no headaches, I don't know what you're talking about!~" Kieran gave a shit eating grin at the shadow, whose eye was now twitching in irritation.

"Whatever," It turned it's 'head,' away. "Just make sure you find the kid...otherwise 'mother', won't be too happy with us."

"I'm trying my fucking best!" The twin tailed demon stomped xier foot down, cheeks puffed out as they whined once more.

"We know," The first shadow--with the male voice--softly cooed, sagely trying to calm the other two down. "Just try your best, that's all we ask...and please, stay safe."

"I offer, no promises," Kieran deadpanned, before continuing down the tunnel, leaving the two shadows behind.

"They're so dead," The second shadow grumbled.

"Have some faith," The first offered, only to wince at the sound of Kieran--further down the tunnel--cursing as it tripped and face planted onto the ground once more. "I-I'm sure they're fine..."


"Uh-huh," Second shadow gave it's companion an unimpressed look.

"W-why don't we go and check on our lady's progress?"

With that, both shadows disappeared, leaving only the string of curses that Kieran was shouting, to echo throughout the tunnel.


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