Minisode Three: Therapy with Sandy

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Warning: N/A

Husbands at therapy (this is pretty short, since I am not a therapist, but I also don't want the whole issue with LBD and their relationship to go unsolved)

After dropping Ming off at Nezha's, Macaque and Wukong made their way back to Sandy's boat for therapy...couples therapy. And in all honesty...Monkey King was terrified. He was terrified that whatever went on here, might permanently damage his marriage with Macaque, and make the shadow demon want to leave him.

Wukong couldn't handle something like that, his heart couldn't handle something like that.

But nonetheless, they made their way onto the boat, and knocked on their friend's door, the water spirit opening up the door with a smile and letting them in, where tea and snacks lay waiting, alongside several therapy cats.

Sitting down, the duo looked over and were surprised to see a faint glimmer of something serious settle in Sandy's eyes, "Alright you two, today's session is going to just let you both open up a bit on some things that have been pushed back, due to the battle with the bone woman, alright?"

Nodding, the blue skinned spirit motioned for Macaque to go first, and Wukong braced himself, "In all honesty, I'm still...upset at your actions back on the ritual site, and how you so carelessly threw away any sense of worry that our daughter could've lost her life that made me so angry that you'd do something so stupid, that it blinded me, and lashed out. And while, yes, it was somewhat deserved, I was also quite didn't deserve that scar." Monkey King teared up as his husband gently reached a paw up and caressed the three claw marks on his right cheek. "I think my words were enough, but the end, you made up for your actions, and you were kind enough to give me space after what'd happened, you were patient--something you're not well known for--and I thank you for that."

Sandy wiped away a tear after the shadow king had finished, himself touched by the shorter's speech, motioning for Wukong to take his turn.

"Mac, you and the cubs have always been the light of my life, and your words were right. I was blinded by my desire to beat the Bone Woman that I wasn't thinking, and for that, I'm sorry. I also know that a sorry won't make up for what I've done, it will take time...and time is what I've got a lot of. So I'm willing to wait. For however long it will take, I will wait."

More tears were shed by the boatsman, as he listened to the pair vent, their words genuine and it was obvious how much both wanted to heal their damaged relationship.

In fact, they'd lost track of time talking, and eventually the session came to an end, both of them thanking Sandy for his help and leaving, promising to make him some desserts as a thank you.

To be Continued..........................

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