Chapter Twenty-Two: Ancient Horrors

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Warning: Violence

The end of Season 1 y'all 

Gēge=Big Brother

"So, about getting down..." Mei laughed nervously, looking down at the siblings. "Monkey King wouldn't have happened to...I don't know--taught you his cloud trick by any chance?"

"Uh, that's still a work in progress," MK chuckled nervously, thinking back to the few times he tried summoning the Somersault Cloud, only to end up sneezing mini clouds for hours afterwards...don't ask.

"G-Gēge?" Ming whimpered out, her grip on the male teen's back tightening, despite her being in the makeshift sling Mei had made earlier.

Both teens looked down at the little girl, who was fearfully pointing up at something along the walls of the sinkhole, gasping in fear when they saw the thousands of inactive Bull Clones lining said walls. The pair of teens were thankful that the clones weren't moving, hoping that it'd stay that way, as they thought of a way to get down without waking them up.

However, luck didn't appear to be on their side, as a ringing noise came from the Dragon Girl's pocket, echoing across the cavern and waking the clones. Thousands of glowing blue eyes opened up, staring down at the now very pale trio, Ming whimpering in fear and snuggling further into MK's back.

Mei pulled out her phone with a scowl, looking down at what could possibly be causing the device to make noise, "Seriously?! A phone update now?!"

Clones scuttled across the rock wall, their metal creaking and clanking, as they got closer to the trio. The bots let out a hiss, making the disguised she-monkey squeak in fear, "Th-they're getting closer!"

"Stupid device, wanting me to install the latest version of--wait...MK!!" Mei looked down at her male friend with a smile, an idea sparking into the dragon girl's head. 

"Y-yeah?" The boy looked up at his friend in confusion, as to why she was so excited all of a sudden, as Bull Clones closed in around them.

"You remember that cool mech you made, when we first fought DBK?"

"Uh, yeah? I don--" MK cut himself off with a gasp, as he realized where the sword user was going, and took out his staff in his spare hand. "Give me hand Mei?"

Mei nodded with a smirk, swinging both herself and the siblings around, before launching them up into the air, allowing MK to slam the staff into the rock face. The earth crumbled upon impact, as golden light spewed out, the staff magically forming a Monkey Mech out of the loose earth, with the hero trio inside.

Upon seeing the gigantic mech, the corrupted clones launched themselves at it, ready to tear the enemy bot apart. Though a quick swing of the mech's staff, destroyed them, giving MK enough time to make a plan.

"Alright, I'll go down and fight the Bull Family," The staff user turned to his friend, who was currently distracted pushing every button in sight, incredibly excited to pilot the large robot. "Think you and Ming can handle the clones?"

"Of course we can, good luck!~" Mei pushed a button, which opened up a hatch underneath the male, who blinked in surprise. 

"Wait, Mei!" MK shrieked as he fell. "You forgot to take Miiiiiinnnnngggggg!"

"Whoops..." The Dragon girl winced, praying to whatever god/goddess was listening, that Macaque would still let her babysit Ming after this.

Acting on instinct, MK grabbed the little monkey from his back, curling around her protectively, right before they impacted with the ground, leaving a massive crater. 

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