Minisode Seven: Hello

793 44 29

Warning: N/A

This is also for Kieran
Sorry this is rushed, but I had a hard time coming up with stuff, and this was the best I could do. I'll probably come back to it at a later date to fix it.

Huntsman shifted from foot to foot, nervously mulling over what he'd say to the spirit on the other side, when a voice from behind made him jump, "Mr. Huntsman?"

Whipping around, the demon came face to face with the Little Mountian Princess, which he'd remembered was called Ming, the young monkey was holding a box of tea, with Sandy's cat Mo resting on her shoulders, glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I'm here to take up Blu--I-I mean....Sandy, on his offer for tea," Quickly pulling out his phone--whilst internally praying that the child wouldn't call for any of her friends or family--the spider showed the texts between himself and the tea loving spirit.

Golden eyes sparkled in excitement, as the little simian happily--and giddily--skipped forwards, handing over the box to Huntsman, and knocking on the front door, "Uncle Sandy! We're here!~"

A nervous sweat broke out across the demon's brow, as none other than the blue man in question, opened up his door with a peaceful smile, displaying surprise at the sight of the two in front of him, "Oh! Hello Ming! Hello Huntsman! I wasn't expecting you two to come together, but please, come on in!~"

Sitting down on the couch, the little princess motioned for Huntsman to hand over the box to Sandy, as Mo jumped from her shoulders to her lap, purring happily as the child scratched behind the ears.

"U-uh, here," Quickly shoving the box into Sandy's arms, Ming had to hold back a facepalm, with Mo doing it for her.

Opening up the gift of tea, the kind spirit's face broke out into a happy grin, "Thank you Huntsman! I'm sure you worked very hard on this! But...I didn't know you knew how to make tea?"

"I don--"

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Ming quickly got up from her seat and ran towards the door with Mo hot on her heels, mouthing the spider demon as she did 'Don't mess this up,' before opening and closing the door.

Leaving the pair in an awkward silence.

୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨

As for Ming, the little monkey took out her phone and dialed the two people she knew could help this situation, Mo jumping back onto her shoulders to also watch what was going on inside, as the child took a peek in the window.

"Hello/What's wrong Ming?" Macaque and Mei both answered at the same time, making noises of surprise when they realized that they were both on call.

"Hi Bàba, hi Mei!, what would you do, if, uh, if you were trying to help out Mr. Huntsman talk to Uncle Sandy, but Mr. Huntsman was being suuuuuper awkward about it, making it really hard?.....Hypothetically speaking."

Naturally, Ming's attempt at 'being discreet' as a 4-year-old, wasn't at all discreet, and the pair immediately knew what was going on, Macaque being first to speak, "What did you do? And please don't tell me Kieran set you up to this."

"No, I was just delivering Uncle Sandy papa's tea, when I saw Mr. Huntsman outside his front door," The little monkey began explaining, as she watched the two males in question, finally begin to talk to one another. "And I saw that he was nervous, so I let him give Uncle the tea, and let with an excuse to go to the bathroom so that they could talk."

"Awwwww~" Mei's coo was heard over the phone, as MK's voice joined in the background noise of wherever the female dragon was. "That's so sweet Ming!~ How's it going right now?"

"Mei," Macaque's warning tone earned a huff from the older female. "Let's not intervene with the two's personal life, alright?"

"Oh, come on da', aren't you a little bit curious as to how this will turn out?~"


Another huff from Mei, "Well, anyways, Ming! What're they doing?"

"Just talking, but it seems like it's going okay from what I can see," The youngest of the family spoke up, Mo nodding next to her. "Mo agrees with me."

"What's going on?" MK's voice finally cut into the call. "Why are you in a call with dad and Ming?"

"Ming's playing little matchmaker with Huntsman and Sandy, it's so cute!~" Mei's squeal had the simian in question, worried that she'd be overheard by the pair in question.

"EH?!" Came the surprised noise from the monkey's older brother. "Huntsman and Sandy?!....I'd have never guessed, considering how they first met..."

"What about Sandy?" Now Pigsy had joined on Mei's end, his voice filled with brotherly concern for his old friend. "Who's making moves on him? They better be good!"

An exasperated sigh came from Macaque, "Ming, just hang up the phone and stop trying to intervene with Sandy and Huntsman's lovelife, o--?"

"HUNTSMAN?!" Came a certain pig's angry shout. "That's who's making moves on Sandy?!"

Mei was quick to hang up, leaving only the father/daughter pair on call, "Leave them be Ming, I'll see you at home." And with that, the six-eared demon hung up.

"Well that wasn't helpful," The little princess frowned, looking over at her partner in crime, the cat nodding in agreement.

Though, when they looked back, the two noticed how Huntsman had moved to sitting next to Sandy, and the pair were now happily sharing some tea together, laughing and talking.

"Hehe, looks like Bàba was right again," Ming giggled, high-pawing with Mo, both tails happily wagging. 

Opting to leave the two to their own devices, and go help her poor sister out in calming down, a most likely raging Pigsy from busting down Sandy's front door, and chasing out Huntsman.

To be Continued................................

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