Minisode One: Small Visit

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Warning: N/A

It's been a while, huh? Whoops.
I'm also a bit rusty on my writing, so if this chapter isn't really all that good, I'm sorry 😅 

Gēge=Big Brother

"This is a terrible idea," Savage bluntly stated, as she and Rumble reluctantly followed Kieran up Flower Fruit Mountain, so that the Huli Jing could see Ming once again. "You're going to get us caught, and the Mountain Kings aren't going to be happy."

"It'll be fine Savage," The demon-fox huffed, herself and her siblings coming to a stop near the cave's waterfall entrance, and hiding in wait for someone to exit, leaving them with an opening. "We've survived this long, I'm sure that they won't even notice we're here."

"And if the cub mentions our visit?" Rumble frowns, worried that his brother was getting a little too confident about sneaking into the home of a pair of overpowered demons, one of which could hear anything. "That'll surely set them off. Not to mention Mac--"

"SHHHH!" Quickly smacking a hand over their brother's mouth, the trio watched as MK and Mei exited the falls, happily chatting as they walked past. "Now!"

Sighing and using their shadow abilities, the monkey twins whipped Kieran and themselves past the other two teens, and into the cavern before the pair could notice.

( ̄ w ̄)Ψ( ̄ w ̄)Ψ( ̄ w ̄)Ψ( ̄ w ̄)Ψ

Ming lay on her stomach, as she happily colored away at MK's newest set of coloring pages, that he'd gifted her. The little she-monkey was almost done with coloring Mei's grandfather Ao Ji, when three shadows fell over her, and a pair of arms scooped her up with a yelp from the cub.

"Child!~" A familiar, and very happy voice cooed in the youngest's ear.

Turning around, Ming came face to face with a beaming Kieran, whilst Rumble and Savage watched from the house's entrance, making sure they weren't spotted by anyone in the SunSix-Ears family.

"Puppy!~" The little one cheered, wiggling around in the demon's grip and wrapping her arms around the male's neck, tail wagging in excitement. "You're back!~"

"I'm back!~" Sitting down on the floor, the vixen set Ming in zier lap, and happily watched as the little simian picked up her finished coloring pages, practically shoving them into Kieran's face in her eagerness to show the demon. "Oh! Well aren't these pretty?"

"Gēge made them for me to color!" The monkey chirped, holding out another small stack to Rumble and Savage, who reluctantly walked over from their posts at the door, to interact...they didn't have the heart to deny the innocent child. "Aren't they cool?!"

"Very," Savage hummed, flipping through the pages carefully, in order not to rip them. "You have quite the artistic talent little one."

Ming went to thank the female monkey, only to notice something missing from Kieran's face, "Where's your mask?" Raising a gentle paw to the fox's face, the youngest simian froze as her vixen friend flinched back.

"I-I uh...lost it..."

"Oh...well...I bet Bába would make you a new one!~"

"That's not a good idea," Rumble gently pat the youngest's head, a gentle smile on his face. "We're not exactly...allowed to be here right now."

Gasping in excitement, "You snuck in?!"

Mei had been recently showing a lot of spy movies to her younger sister, which naturally fascinated the cub, so the thought of the ice trio sneaking in made little Ming very excited. "You're like spies!~"

Chuckling, the male monkey nodded, "I suppose you could say that."

Noting the time on a phone she'd stolen, Savage frowned, "We should get going soon, I doubt that the family is going to leave their youngest alone for much longer."

"Awww," Kieran and Ming pouted, with the monkey giving doe eyes towards the eldest female. "Can't you stay just a little bit longer?...Please?"


"We don't see why not~"

Blinking in surprise at Rumble's response, the she-monkey could only sigh and nodd in agreement, "Fine. A ten more minutes, then we're gone...okay?"

"Okay!~" The cub cheered, hopping out of the fox demon's lap and rushing over to Savage. "Let's play hide-and-go-seek!~"

Accepting her fate, the eldest allowed herself to be dragged over to a corner to count, as the other three ran and hid.

(* ^◇^)_旦(* ^◇^)_旦(* ^◇^)_旦(* ^◇^)_旦

Somewhere nearby, two pairs of eyes watched the group play................

"See?" The dark furred monkey smiled, looking over at his ginger partner. "I told you they're fine."

"Well I know that now!" The golden eyed male huffed, crossing his arms with a pout. "But when you just up and suddenly say, 'someone's gotten into the house' without context, my mind immediately thinks of the worse!"

Chuckling, tanned king simply kisses his partner on the cheek, before the pair went back to fondly watching the scene of the kids all playing together, deciding to let the them have their fun.

To be Continued................................

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