Chapter Thirty-Nine: Great Mother General

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Warning: Cursing

More Generals to come in Season 3

Thank you to anotherexistingbeing and dragonshard101 on TikTok for helping me with Guan Yin's training scenes. I was quite lost on those parts. Go read their fics Golden Flower and The Reborn Primordial on Wattpad.


"Deep breaths, in and out," Ba hummed, herself, MK, Ming and Mei all mediating near the eldest monkey's house, whilst Sandy had left to deliver a few crates back in the city harbor. "Concentrate on the flow of energy around yourself, feel the magic as it flows through your body, and allow it to become one with yourself."

Doing as instructed, the young trio all sat in Full Lotus position and held their eyes closed, faint magical auras surrounding their bodies, as the old general watched carefully. She noted how MK and Mei's energies seemed to 'call out' to one another, thinking that it might have to do with the ancient connection that the two teen's parents/ancestor had to each other.

A silent gasp left the brown furred woman, when the jade green and gold magic touched, before they started to mix together in a harmonious dance of energy. She watched in fascination, as the figure of a spectral golden dragon began to form around the kids, it's eyes opening to stare down at Ba.

Upon further inspection, the she-monkey noted how the dragon also held more notable monkey features, such at the furry sideburns and paw feet, instead of claws like that of a normal dragon. Seeing this, Ba wondered what else the two's magic could do, when they were in perfect sync like now.

Looking over to Ming, the little monkey was also forming her own aura, though it seemed to have shifted from teal to a light pink, which was...odd. Was that the smell of the Eastern Ocean and Lotus Flowers Ba smelt?


"You're back," Guan Yin's voice hummed out, Ming yawning and opening her eyes, to look up at the goddess, Moksha standing next to his master, but casting a brief glance over at the young princess. "Hello Little Princess."

"Hi Wàipó!~" The young monkey chirped happily, tail wagging as she carefully crawled out of the immortal's lap, not wanting to dirty the Bodhisattva's lovely dress. "It's nice to see you again!~"

"The feeling is mutual," Guan Yin laughed, gently patting her granddaughter's head, earning herself a small, happy purr in response. "Are you ready to train?"

"Yes ma'am!~" Ming gave a goofy salute, before following the goddess off towards another area of the temple, her small paws gripping at the woman's lengthy robes.

(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

"Woah, really?~" MK and Mei's eyes sparkled, in awe of the information that Ba had given them, once they'd finished meditation.

"Indeed, it seems as though your magical energies are synced perfectly, allowing you to combine and utilize them in a fight," Ba explained, the two teens soaking in every word, and excitedly thinking up ideas for new attacks they could make. "Perhaps, through more training, you two could even swap powers."

"Oh man, that sounds awesome!~" The dragon girl cheers, looking over at her brother. "Just imagine it MK, you have my dragon powers and I have your monkey boy powers!~"

"Oh! What if we COMBINE them?!" The prince's tail wagged excitedly. "Like my war form, but with-with-"

"Dragon horns and a tail?!~" Mei interrupted with a squeal.

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