Chapter Sixty-Four: Past and Current Memories

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Warning: Violence (?)

This be short, next chapter has allllllll the angst :]

Tiě shàn gōngzhǔ is Princess Iron Fan's name in it's Chinese variation, Niú Mówáng is DBK's Chinese variation and Hóng Hái-ér is Red Son's.

Thousands of years ago, the cries of a young demon child could be heard echoing throughout the mountain valley, with Tripitaka, Bai Long Ma, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wu Jing, Nezha, Sun Wukong, Liùěr Míhóu, Tiě shàn gōngzhǔ, and Niú Mówáng all staring up at the child, who was Hóng Hái-ér...Red Son when he was still a child...still Red Boy.

The poor princess had to lean on Macaque for support, as the cries of her own child echoed in her mind, the taned simian sympathizing with the distressed mother, trying to soothe the demoness and distract her as her husband and his friends--acquaintance in Nezha and the Pilgrim's case--performed the ritual to seal away her child's out of control firepower, and save him from being burned alive.  

"For the Shamadi Fire to be split in three, you must harmonize your energies!" Tripitaka called out, himself and the others barely able to keep themselves upright due to the wind caused by the raging fire.

Taking a deep breath, the great monk took a deep breath and held out a hand, his breathing slowing as his eyes opened to show a pure golden color, pure heavenly magic swirling around the mortal as the tapped his staff upon the stone floor, it's golden wisps wrapping around the angry maroon of the flames, and aiding in the splitting of said fire. Gold enveloped the entire area, and each of the holders--Wukong, DBK and Nezha--gasped as a ring had begun to form in front of them.

Though, this ritual was not without risk, and in a last ditch attempt to prevent itself from getting sealed, the fire lashed out towards the Monkey King, sending him falling to his knees, allowing a small burst of flames dashing out and towards Tripitaka and all three of the rings, three parts getting sealed within a golden artifact, as the fourth attempted to harm Wukong's master.

Seeing this, both Long Ma and Macaque--who'd gently set Iron Fan down--dashed forwards to protect the monk, the dragon shielding the fearful human as the shadow user summoned forth a staff, slamming it down on the uncontrollable fire, snuffing out the tiny spark in an instant.

In a flash of light, the flames dispersed and both of Red Boy's parents went running towards their infant son, the Bull King catching him gently and lowering the child so that his wife could check him over, sighing in relief when they saw no harm was done.

Turning to where the ginger simian was fretting over his partner and master, the family walked over, bowing as Iron Fan spoke, "We thank you, for saving our son."

"I am mearly glad to help a friend of my student," Tripitaka smiled, waving the trio goodbye as they left the area, leaving the group alongside Nezha and Macaque.

A wack upon Wukong's head had the simian whipping around to face a grumpy Lotus Prince, "You're lucky that your general and Long Ma was here! Otherwise, this world would be without a monk!"

"I didn't slip on purpose," The royal huffed, crossing his arms, tail lashing about slightly as he pouted. "And besides, Mac snuffed out the flame before it could leave, so I count this as a win in my book!~"

A scowl was all Monkey King received for an answer, watching as his brother-in-arms left to hide his ring, alongside the map itself that lead to the fire, before gently guiding his mate to an area where they could talk in private.

"What's wrong Peaches?" The lantern user's brows furrowed at his fiancée's worried look. 

" okay?"

Something between a sigh and a laugh left the onyx furred demon, "I've told you already sunshine, I'm alright. The fire didn't get me, your brother, or your master, so we're okay....okay?"



Back to current day, the gang was all shouting in protest and Tang had opened up the map, and had begun to chant the words needed to perform the ritual to unleash the fire, with Macaque and Wukong nowhere in sight, as Kieran glared down at the scholar, desperation flashing in their brown eyes.

Each of the 'three' rings lit up with maroon flames, as another cry was ripped out of Ming's throat, the young monkey's body starting to increase in temperature quite rapidly, much to the panic of a now teenaged Red Son, who held the child protectively in his arms.

In a flash of light, the people present all gasped in horror when another flash of gold split out from the youngest's chest, her body engulfing in flames right as Macaque and Wukong came crashing down upon Kieran, sending all three demon flying back into the ice where MK and Mei were trapped, a faint outline of a fourth ring was seen from the four-year-old's chest by Red Son, right before he was also sent flying back.

Due to the intensity of the fire, Kieran's spectral beast that held the nearly frozen Rumble and Savage was disintegrated in a flash, all the ice encasing both the monkeys was melted as well, with said Huil Jing grabbing both the simians and using the icy winds to make their escape.

Shakily getting up, both Macaque and Wukong looked up at their daughter in horror, unable to understand how this had happened.

"I-Impossible..." The shadow demon hoarsely whispered out, tears gathering in his eyes. "That's...that's not possible! She shouldn't have a ring! There should only be three! Wukong! Why aren't there three?!" 

For once, the great Monkey King was speechless...for he also had no idea, how this had happened, how his young cub had the horrible misfortune of carrying such a scarring burden within her.

But by the gods would he do anything to rid his child of such pain.................

To be Continued........................

Two KingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora