Minisode Four: Trio of Ice

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Warning: Cursing

The Ice Trio gets caught when returning to the mountain 

'How...' Savage thought, as she and Rumble followed after their dumbass of a sibling, up the mountain and snuck into an opening in the waterfall as MK walked out, before the teen could see them. 'How on earth did they rope me into coming back here?!'

Sighing, the female followed the two down the cavern to where a certain baby monkey was waiting, golden eyes sparkling excitedly as she held an armload of coloring materials and blank pages in her arms.

"Kieran! Rumble! Savage!" Ming exclaimed happily, dropping the materials and rushing over to the trio, slamming into their legs and conjoining the three into a hug. "You're back! Like you promised!~"

'Ah yes, now I remember,' Savage internally sighed, gently ruffling the youngest's hair, cracking a smile as she giggled once the fox demon picked her up from behind. 'Kieran blackmailed me that if we didn't come, Ming would be upset....that damm fox knows I can't say no to the kid.'

Savage vowed to get back her sister.

"Aww, well isn't this cute?~" Cooed a familiar voice, that made the trio freeze up, before nervously turning back to look, to where both Wukong and Macaque stood. The sun king being the one to speak. "Isn't it cute Plums?"

"Y-your majesties, we--"

Macaque holding up his paw had Rumble shutting his mouth, "We already knew you'd be coming back."

" knew we were here?!" Kieran squawked out in disbelief as he put Ming down, the young simian running over to her parents to give them a greeting hug.

"I hear all, remember?" Macaque motioned to his ears, which--despite them being together as one--the trio had no doubt, was still working enough to where he could hear things from quite a ways away. "And besides, we knew you three didn't have any ill intent, so what's the harm in letting you visit?"

"Then why confront us?" The eldest of the three spoke up, still nervous that the two might change their minds.

"We have an offer we'd like to extend," Macaque hummed, watching carefully to gauge the trio's reactions to his words, as he didn't want to scare them off. When none of them made any negative reactions, he continued. "We happen to have some spare bedrooms in the house, and since all they're doing is collecting dust, we thought you might want to stay in them for a least until you three get onto your feet. After all, I'm willing to bet that you don't have any really...stable living situations."

All three winced as the old warrior said this, thinking back to the abandoned building they'd been staying at.

"You don't have to say yes immediately," Wukong was quick to jump in, his eyes giving away that he was barely holding back his need to baby them, paternal instincts on overdrive. "But the offer is always there, should you need it, and the falls are always accessible should you care to visit~"

"Hell yeah! Sign me up!" Kieran was quick to jump in, eyes sparkling in excitement, as they picked up lil' Ming and swung her around, the young monkey screeching with laughter. "It just means more time with the child!~"

"You'd also have MK and Mei staying here," Macaque hummed, explaining the full picture for them to get, that way there wouldn't be any surprises. "Alongside the generals popping in on occasion, and the mountain monkeys would naturally be curious about you three, but as long as you set boundaries, they'll follow."

Humming with a smile, Rumble nodded eagerly, "A warm place with food and a proper roof doesn't sound too bad. And it's not like any of these new roommates you speak of would be any trouble. So I'm in as well.....Savage?"

Sighing, the eldest of the group shakes her head in exasperation once again, "Why not? I mean, these two have already made up their minds, and wherever they go, I go too."

"Yay!" Ming chirped happily, throwing her arms up in excitement. "New family!~"

Blinking up in surprise at the youngest's cheer, the Ice Trio gave smiles whilst both kings laughed gently.

"Welcome home you three."

To be Continued.........................

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