Chapter Forty: Poisoned Prince

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Warning: Cursing

Yes, I'll be skipping the Shadow Play episode...I didn't have any ideas for that one 🧍🏻‍♀️

Gēge=Big Brother

The entire noodle shop shook, as MK let out another loud hiccup, releasing another blast of golden energy out as a result. An additional outcome of this, was the others all falling on their faces or ass, groaning in pain....well, except for Ming. The little one merely giggled from where she sat in her brother's lap, believing the experience to be a fun ride of sorts.

"This is the worst case of hiccups I've ever seen!" Pigsy grunted, as he heaved himself to his feet, using the counter as a way to lift himself. "How'd it happen?!"

"Well, uh, do you remember those limited time meatballs that the store was selling yesterday?" Mei chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact with the concerned pig demon.

"Yeah, I remember, why?"

"Apparently, they were cursed," The dragon girl rocked back and forth on her feet, as both Tang and Pigsy gave the kids looks of horror. "And now MK has hiccups."

"Wait...who else ate the meatballs?" The scholar spoke up.

"Ming and I," Bai Long Ma's descendent answered, giving a confused shrug. "But for some reason, only MK was affected."

The young prince gave out another hiccup, which shot him up into the roof of the shop, his legs and tail dangling down. The younger monkey fell off her brother's lap, and onto the floor, where she was picked up by Mei.

"We tried everything to get rid of them!" The teenage girl whined, pulling down her brother from the ceiling, and brushing off any loose debris from his form. "We tried giving him water, rubbing his belly, giving him a good scare, and hitting all his pressure points! But nothing worked!"

"Have you tried calling his parents?" Pigsy huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You know, one of which is well versed in magic, and even has created his own spooky magic lantern before?"

"Bàba and papa are out of range of the communicator," Ming chirped out, thinking back to yesterday, when they'd been told that both adults wouldn't be available to talk for a bit. "And they're too far for Gēge to Astrally Project to."

"Great," The chef muttered under his breath with a sigh. 

"I may have a suggestion!~" Sandy cheerfully spoke up, from the booth where he and Mo had been listening in on the conversation, but had remained quite up until this point. "What if we used the Crimson Jimsonweed to make a tea, which would cure MK's hiccups!~"

"How on earth is tea going to help?!" The old pink skinned demon grufly spoke, raising a brow, right before he and the others are knocked off their feet once again, as MK let out another loud hiccup, followed up by it's usual blast of golden magic.

"Crimson Jimsonweed..." Tang tailed off in thought. "If I remember correctly, that is an ancient and powerful flower that blooms every Crimson Moon, said to grant immortality."

"Doesn't that also grow in the Emerald Lake?" Mei joined in, remembering reading a bit about the flower, from a book she'd borrowed of the Mountain Kings once. "And isn't the lake really dangerous?"

"Yup!~" The spirit smiled, acting as if he hadn't, just asked one of them to go into a dangerous lake, to retrieve a flower that blooms once every few years. Pigsy, Tang and Mei all deadpanned at the water demon, who flinched with a nervous chuckle, as he realized what they were implying. "O-oh no, I'm strictly a Water Adventure kinda' guy."

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