Chapter Twenty-Four: Simian Prince

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Warning: N/A

Well ain't this a surprise~
Yes, this is also cannon to the AU

I made a Two Kings playlist on Spotify :] It's called Two Kings AU Playlist

Gēge=Big Brother
Táohuā=Peach Blossom

"Your stamina has really grown cub, you've barely broken a sweat this whole hike," Macaque ruffled the teen's hair, whose eyes sparkled happily, excited for the family camping trip.

It had been a week after MK was adopted by the family, and this was the teen's first family camping trip, something he learned they did every year on the mountain. He had taken two weeks off, which Mei had been kind enough to cover him for, the Dragon Girl more than willing to allow her friend time with his new family.

The trip also was before New Years...

A giggle made the two look up to where Wukong and Ming were waiting at the top, the younger monkey resting on the golden one's shoulders, waving to them, "Come on Gēge, come on papa! We're here!~" 

MK ran to catch up, with the shadow demon chuckling behind him, gasping when he saw the beautiful clearing they were in. It was similar to the mountains Macaque's shadow monster had taken them too, but less craggy and cliff like, and more full of vegetation. With a perfect view of the sunset.

The group got to work on setting up the tents, with Ming grabbing firewood for them--within eyesight of course--and setting up the campfire.

Macaque pulled out ingredients and got to work on dinner, as Ming and MK told the two about their recent adventures, the teen even pulling out his phone to show pictures.

(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「

They fell asleep late into the night, Ming and MK sharing one tent, and the husbands in another. Bellies full from dinner and s'mores, an american recipe Mei recommended for their camping trip, which did not disappoint.

The teen's face scrunched up in discomfort as he slept, and iching feeling creeping along his body, and a dull ache in his teeth and ears, though not enough to wake him up.

(ʘᗩʘ')⌒(,,๏ ⋏ ๏,,)⌒(; ꒪ö꒪)

Wukong groaned at a gentle patting motion on his cheek, blearily creaking an eye open, to come face to face with his daughter Ming, "Ming? What are you doing up so early Táohuā?"

"MK turned into a monkey," The little simian bluntly stated.

"Oh, is that is?" The golden king yawned, closing his eyes to go back to sleep.


Monkey King immediately shot up, eyes flashing open and turning to Ming, as Macaque shot up next to him, "S-say that again Ming? Wh--what did your brother turn into?"

"MK's a monkey," The she-monkey's tail swayed lazily, seemingly unaffected by this sudden change. "He's got fur and everything."

The two older monkeys looked at one another, before scrambling out of the tent, and to the kid's one, opening the flap to see that Ming was right. Sitting frozen on the floor was MK, hair out of it's usual bandanna, fur covering every inch of his body, a long tail swinging about.

The teen looked up when he heard the tent flap opening, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, seemingly trying to talk, with nothing coming out.

"Oh, uh...." Wukong laughed nervously. "It's--happened earlier than expected."

Macaque facepalmed, "Peaches, I love you, but that was the last thing you should've said."

"What...what do you mean, 'It's happened earlier than expected,'?" The teen sputtered out, suddenly finding his voice, new paws shaking. 

"It was something we were going to explain this morning, considering that you've been adopted into the family," The shadow king gave a sigh, climbing in next to MK, and sitting by the teen's side. "I honestly thought it'd take a bit longer, but apparently not."

"What does me being adopted, have anything to do with...this?" The boy motioned to himself.

"Basically," Wukong climbed in with Ming, the pair also sitting down. "When someone is adopted into a demon or magic family, they take on that family's traits. Normally, you'd simply gain monkey hearing and senses, maybe the fangs, but because you also have our powers, you'd gain a full form."

"Normally, it'd take at least a few months," Macaque hummed, grabbing a hairbrush, and combing through the boy's hair, as a way to sooth his nerves. "But, I believe the process might've already been happening, when we first started seeing you like family. That's probably why you could make monkey noises, and you've gained your full form now."

" it's permanent?" MK asked, immediately panicking, when he realized how that sounded. "N-not that there's anything wrong with it, I just..."

"We understand what you're saying cub, and yes, it's permanent," The lantern holder hummed, tying up MK's hair with his bandanna, giving a satisfied trill at how it looked. "But we can teach you how to take on a human form."

"Yea--ack!" Wukong got cut off, as MK's tail whacked the back of his head, looking back at it with a scowl. "First off though, we'll need to teach you to control that tail--yeowch!"

The others laughed as the golden king kept getting hit by the teen's tail, said older monkey grumbling, before giving in and laughing as well.

"Yeah," MK smiled. "I'd like that..."

Part Two of the Family Arc Complete.........................

Prepare for Season 2......................

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