Chapter Eighty-Eight: The Final Fight Part Two

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Waning: Violence, Potential Character Death, Cursing, Character Death

So I see that you're crying......good.....I am very much enjoying your tears, but I think you need to cry some more.

The reunion outside of the scroll was tearful, to say in the least, many hugs being shared between the kings, the generals, the ice trio and even DBK spared them a hug as well. 

Afterwards, however, the group got right into planning their counter attack, as they knew that Azure was assured to have sensed their freedom from the scroll, and was gathering strength to come down and try to reseal them.

Inside the house, everyone gathered to talk about a plan of attack, with Wukong and Macaque at the head, and the generals assuming their old positions, much like back in the days before retirement.

"It's obvious who Azure is going to go after first, that being myself and Mac, though as for Peng, he'll go for Ma and Liu due to their history, the same can be said for Golden Tusk, Ba and Beng," Wukong explains to the group, using the doodles MK had so kindly made for the 'presentation.' "Which is why I'll be making teams to go with each of us in order to help get the drop on each of them."

This was Macaque's turn to speak, "First is myself and Wukong, we'll be going with MK, DBK, Iron Fan and Red Son. This will be sure to get under Azure's skin having all of us together, due to the history, getting into his head will make him sloppy. Next, I want Mei and the Ice trio with Ma and Liu, you lot hold speed over Peng, along with the ice users knowing some tactics from their time with LBD help against their dirty moves. As for Golden, Ba and Beng will be assisted by Sandy, Tang and Pigsy, we need both heavy hitters, and, voices of reason. Elephant is smart, he might be able to be convince to see reason."

"As for Nezha, you'll be our biggest piece on the board," Wukong gives a confident smile to the confused prince.


"Yup!" The ginger ignores his face palming husband in the background, and continues. "You'll be the one to inherit the Jade Emperor's powers after we defeat Azure!~"

"What?!" Everyone shouts in shock, save for Mac and the generals.

"Th-that is a huge responsibility Wukong! Not to mention that I might not be physically capable of--"

"Trust me Nezha," Wukong places a paw on his brother-in-arms' shoulder. "I know you'll be able to handle it, I believe in you."

"Oh boy," Pigsy mutters, as Iron Fan simply sighs, her husband pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

Bai He raises a hand from where she sat next to Ming, speaking once Wukong points the pen at her, "What about Ming and I?"

"Uhhh......" Obviously, nobody had thought of what they'd be doing, considering both were, well, kids. "Well, you two our official nurses after all the fighting is over!~"

Both girls deadpanned, sending glares over at the golden king, who offers a nervous smile, and looks to the others for help.

"Ming, Bai He," Macaque stepped in, walking over and kneeling down as he put a paw on each shoulder. "You both have already gone through too much, at too young an age, you honestly shouldn't even have gone through such things either. This is why we're making you two sit this one out."

"But we can help!" Ming protests, pouting slightly.

"I know you can my little shadow, but for my own sanity, please....stay here, and stay safe," The shadow king begs, looking at the two with pleading eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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