Chapter Fifty: Scorched Lands

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Warning: N/A

I'm with the monkeys, heat sucks
Also, please go check out my other book Little Shadows, which I'm rewriting. It has more dad Mac content--not now, but in later chapters--I think you'll really enjoy.
Also, also, this chapter is rather short, sorry

Jiějie=Big Sister

Within the peaceful, golden sand of the deserts of China, the gang's van was seen to be speeding through, as they drove over another dune, making various animals scatter out of the way, to avoid getting crushed under the large wheels.

As for inside, our poor monkeys were all dying of heat, despite the A.C. being on full blast, with Pigsy and Mei applying ice packs to the poor simians, as Sandy drove, and Tang acted as the guide, able to read the map thanks to Macaque's guidance.

Speaking of our dear shadow user, the poor tanned simian had to delicately push away his husband, as the van jostled them together, not wanting to get head stroke. Himself, Wukong and MK were all in shorts, whilst little Ming was in shorts and a tank top.

Why weren't the others affected? Mei's dragon heritage allowed here to easily adapt to the heat, Pigsy had lived in hot climates before, and both the driver and navigator were up front, where the A.C. was the strongest.

"Hang in there," The dragon girl said, replacing an ice pack on her brother's forehead, and handing it over to her pink skinned uncle, so he could place it back in the freezer for later. "Tang says we're almost out of the desert, so it shouldn't be too long now before you all cool down."

Of course, some strange force out there thought it'd be funny, to have the van's engine break down at that very moment, causing the unaffected group to freeze, slowly looking back at their four 'heat-zombie-monkeys' as Mei had dubbed them in fear.

Panic ensued once they'd noticed the four monkeys had passed out immediately, the heat claiming it's next victims.


Luckily enough, the group was able to revive our simian friends, all of them now slowly climbing out of the broken down van with a groan, with the monkeys slumping down underneath the nearest tree, panting heavily.

"You four gonna' be okay?" Mei asked nervously, the poor dragon worried for her family, and weather or not they'd be okay in this deadly heat, since none of them were exactly...made, for these kinds of conditions.

"'M hot jiějie," Ming whimpered, the youngest of the group wanting to lean up on her family for comfort, but unable to due to how hot she'd end up being.

"I know Ming, you've just got to wait a little longer, it'll be okay," Ao Ji's descendant was internally panicking, thinking over ways to keep her family cool while they waited.

"Let me try something," An exhausted Macaque mumbled out, his shadow stretching a bit over them, and forming a sort of 'cool shade' for them, to which all sighed in relief. "Don't know how long I can keep this up...but I'll try my best."

"Still feeling pretty exhausted?" The female teen joined her family under the shade.

"Turns out, fighting all of heaven, then the Lady Bone Demon and her lackeys in one go, after a few years of doing nothing but raising Ming peacefully...isn't as easy as we thought it'd be...or at least myself," Monkey King finally spoke up with a humm, happy to finally be able to lean on his husband, without overheating. 

"At least we can take this opportunity to try and do some recovery training for the pair of you, hmm?" MK and Mei smiled at the ebony furred monkey's suggestion.


(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「(「 ⊙Д⊙)「

"So I got good news, and bad news," Sandy's voice had the simians--and one dragon--look up at the spirit and his friends. "Bad news, the engine is broken."

"And the good news?" Wukong's tail flicked nervously.

"There's a junkyard over there," Pigsy pointed over at a large pile of random mechanical parts. "Maybe we can dig up some parts we need to fix the van, while you do your uh...."

"Recovery training," Macaque supplied, keeping an eye on his cubs, as they were doing some advanced stretching poses to help unblock one's Chi, and needed to be under supervision to do so. "We're working on Chi flow."

"Alright, but you five stay safe, alright?" Tang hummed out in worry, nervous to leave the family alone in this desert, especially with the Bone Witch and her crazy trio of demon siblings after them, in such a fragile state.

"We will Tang, same to you," The dual eyed king hummed out, watching as the trio left, before rejoining the other part of his troop, sending a shadow clone to watch over the scholar, pig and spirit.

Not noticing two pairs of eyes looking down at them...both a rich lapis blue in color.....

To be Continued.......................

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