Minisode Two: Uncle Nezha

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Warning: N/A

With the Samadhi Fire map gone, Nezha's got a lot of time on his hands... :]

Shúshu=Father's Younger Brother (Chinese for Uncle)
Gēge=Big Brother

Jiějie=Big Sister


That was the Third Lotus Prince's first response to his brother-in-arms, as both Macaque and Wukong stood on the front step of his newly rebuilt palace, their youngest child looking around curiously from where she sat in the ginger king's arms.

"We were wondering if you wouldn't mind babysitting," Monkey King cheerfully chirped, a happy aura around him. "Mac and I are going to therapy with Sandy, Mei is with MK and....Red Son." The sun king grumbled at the mention of the fire prince, making Nezha raise a brow. "And Pigsy and Tang are working on the shop."

Sighing, the youthful deity looked down at his 'niece', and gave a small smile, "I....suppose, one day wouldn't's not like I have much to do, now that you've stolen the map."

That last part was only caught by Macaque, as Nezha had mumbled it, gently taking the cub into his arms, alongside a bag of items for the she-monkey, both waving the kings off before walking into the palace.

The small simian buried her face into the flower god's chest, once she noted all the curious eyes of the servants upon her, only peeking out when the two of them reached a large garden full of varying flora and fauna.

"It's so pretty!~" Ming squealed, wiggling in the prince's grasp before he gently set her down, chuckling as she ran around and explored. "Did you grow these all by yourself Shúshu Nezha?!"

"I did," Nodding, the royal skimmed over the items in Ming's bag, seeing snacks, coloring items, a handful of plushies, one of which looked like....him. Blinking in surprise and gingerly taking out the plush, the lotus prince turned it over.

"Do you like it?" The sudden voice of Ming made Nezha jump, looking down at the young princess. "Papa made me a plush of everyone in my family! There's papa, Bába, Gēge, Jiějie, Uncle Sandy, Uncle Tang, Uncle Pigsy, and you!~"

A warmth spread throughout Nezha's chest, the red eyed male gracing his niece with a smile, "Very much so little one."

Letting the little demoness explore for a bit longer, the young god thought over how he'd keep her entertained for the day, before an idea struck him. Summoning forth a servant, Nezha had them ready his Monowheel whilst another watched Ming for him, as he walked off to dress into something more appropriate for their upcoming trip.

Once everything was set, Nezha--who was dressed in a pink jacket and black shirt, alongside blue shorts, his fire wheels having converted into shoes and Huntian Cloth into a scarf, his spear having shrunk down to be used as a hairpin as he gathered his hair up into a singular neat bun, leftover hair flopping down to the small of the male's back--walked back to the garden to collect Ming, who was happily chatting away with the servant assigned to watch her.

Looking over as the lotus prince returned, the small child gasped in awe, eyes sparkling, "You look so pretty!~"

Nezha gave a chuckle, "Thank you little one, now come along."

Hopping up to her feet, the cub bid her new friend goodbye and grabbed her Uncle's outstretched hand, shooting him a curious look as they walked towards where the Monowheel was waiting, "Where are we going?"

All she got in return was, "It's a surprise."


Waking up to the god's gentle shaking, after having fallen asleep on the way to the surprise destination, Ming looked around before squealing in excitement at the sight of the unfamiliar city below.

"Welcome to Beijing," Nezha laughed, as excited squeals left the--now disguised--monkey cub. "I thought you'd enjoy a day out in a new city."

"Thank you so much!!~" 

Upon walking into the city, the pair began their exploration, looking around at the varying food stalls and peeking into shops before settling on a cat cafe to eat lunch at, the waitresses cooing at the adorable sight of uncle and niece having fun feeding the cats.

Afterwards, they went into the forbidden city, the amount of eerie quiet making Ming cling to Nezha, before taking pictures in both the restored and old summer palaces, the two were sure to take pictures and grab souvenirs for the gang.

And their final stop before leaving, was watching a few plays depicting old myths--some which Nezha whispered about the correct and incorrectness of--one of which was a part of the journey Wukong had done, specifically his fight with Nezha....the poor prince was mortified.

Ming giggled the entire way back to the vehicle, the young simian enjoying the rant Nezha went on about certain details in the play-fight, as they climbed onboard the ship, and drove off.

( °□°) ︵ ┻━┻( °□°) ︵ ┻━┻( °□°) ︵ ┻━┻ 

"Looks like you two had fun," Wukong whispered, gently taking the sleeping Ming into his arms, watching as Nezha handed over the souvenirs to Macaque. "Thanks again for watching her."

"I found it quite enjoyable," The god hummed, a gentle smile making it's way to his usually grumpy or indifferent face. "The little one is quite well behaved."

A silence overtook the three, before Macaque noted a long expression on the third prince's face, "Would you like to watch her again sometime?"

Blinking in surprise, Nezha gave a chuckle, "I....yes, I think I would."

Waving goodbye, the simian husbands flew back to the mountain where MK and Mei were waiting, the pair cooing over their sleepy sibling as they got her ready for bed.

"I'm glad he's opening up again," Monkey King smiled, looking down at the gift both the immortals had gotten him...a lotus lantern with their family crest carved into the middle, the name written upon the base. "Buddha knows he needs a break, and some sort of stability in his life."

"Well, he'll have many more opportunities in the future," Macaque smiled, the pair walking over to their room to get ready for the night, after lighting the lantern and setting down on an open window. It's soft glow illuminating the normally dark living room.

To be Continued......................

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