Minisode Four: Traffic Light Trio

770 45 9

Warning: Cursing

Trio's first hangout since LBD's defeat

Grumbling in irritation at how late MK and Mei were, Red Son checked his watch with another grumble, "Damm idiots, couldn't even be bothered both show up on time after it was their idea to 'hang out' together today."

"RED SOOONNNN!!!!" Looking up from his watch, the bull demon was instantly tackled to the floor by a blur of yellow and green, causing him to screech angrily as two familiar scents invaded his senses, pear and green apple....MK and Mei.

"GET OFF ME!!" In a burst of flames, the siblings both yelped and scrambled off of their friend, backing up as the red head angrily got to his feet, storming over to the two and snagging an ear in each hand, ignoring their whines. "You damm idiots! You're late! An hour late!"

"Sorry!" Both of them continued to whine, tails drooping as they tried to wiggle their way out of the male's iron grip, with MK continuing to speak. "We wanted to say goodbye to Dad, Pa and Ming before they left, and she was extra rambunctious this morning, so we had a harder time getting her ready."

Letting them go, Red Son rose a brow in curiosity, "Where are they going?"

"Celestial Realm," The two answered in unison with a shrug, Mei being the one to continue this time. "Dad and Paps are having Unkie Nezha watch Ming, while they go to therapy with Sandy today."

"I see," The fire prince hummed, before letting out another huff. "Well, seeing as you two were 'oh-so-kind' as to grace me with your presence, let's get this ridiculous 'hang out' over with. I have some new rocket boosters to work on, and you're lucky that I need some parts, and  that there's a store nearby."

"Then let's gooooo!~" The amount of times the two idiots had been in unison, was getting unnerving for Red Son, as he begrudgingly allowed the two to drag him towards the mall, the trio taking on a glamour to cover up their animal parts, right before they arrived at the mall.

Upon entering, the fire user noticed MK put something that looked vaguely like hearing aids in his ears, and gave the male a curious look, "Mei made them, they're supposed to suppress the noise, since my ears are so sensitive, Dad and Ming have them as well."

Nodding, they quickly caught up with Mei as she went into the first store, the name making Red Son raise a brow...again.

"'Hot Topic'?"

"Yeah, Mei and I frequent this place a lot," MK smiled with a shrug as they entered, going over to a nearby rack to look at the new plushies. "She likes the shirts and plushies, and I like the accessories."

Nodding, the bull boy noted a few things of interest, walking over and inspecting them, before opting to buy the items.

"Whatcha' get?" Mei's voice sounded from behind the taller male, as she slung an arm around his shoulders, trying to catch a peek at the items he bought. "Hmmmmm?"

Sighing, Red Son opened his bag to let the female take a look, showing varying shirts and accessories that'd caught his eye. A simple smirk, followed up by a giggle was what he got in return, making him raise a brow as she ran a few feet ahead, sighing and just chalking it up to Mei being Mei.

Moving onto the next store, the last thing he was expecting was it to be a binder store, looking between the two curiously, only for Mei to point at MK, and the monkey boy to raise a hand.

"I'm saving up to get surgery next year when I'm of legal age, so for right now, it's binders," The male shrugged, walking into the shop with the other two following.

"I see," Red Son inspected the varying patterns of cloth, his nose scrunching up in disdain. "This is peasant cloth, such poor quality."

The second male rolled his eyes, used to his friend's antics, "Not all of us are rich Red."

"I could make better."

MK's head whipped over to face his friend, recognizing the bull's words as an offer, "Re-really?! You'd do that for me?!"

A scoff, "Not like it'd be hard, I could even make one for training and combat, the material soft but hard to damage..."

A chuckle sprang from MK's lips, as he watched the demon began to mutter about varying binders, just letting Red ramble as they made their way to check out, and making their way to the food court, where Mei was waiting with lunch

"Naturally, you'll need to send me your measurements, that way it will be accurate--"

"What's this about MK sending you his measurements?" The dragon girl asked, having only heard the ending of the conversation, as MK walked off to grab them food. "What kind of scandalous conversation are you two having?~" Wiggling her eyebrows, Mei leaned in as she began teasing the bull.

Flushing red, Red Son sputtered in embarrassment, "N-nothing like that Dragon Girl!! I'm simply saying, that I will make better quality binders for monkey boy until he gets he surgery."

Mei's eyes widened, " mean you'll make MK binders?! AWWWW! That's so sweet of you Red Boy!~"

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" The fire user scowled, as his female friend dragged him into a hug. "It's Red Son!"

"I'm back!~" MK's voice, had the two looking towards where he was walking over with the food, setting it down and distributing the right food to the right person. "Whatcha' talking about?"

"Just about how sweet Red was to make you custom binders!~" Mei smirked, poking the grumbling Red Son's cheek. "And he says he isn't a hero!~"

"I'm not," The young prince huffed, simply digging into his meal in an attempt to block out the female's teasing, not wanting to cause a scene. "I don't know why on earth you insist I am."

MK and Mei shared a knowing look, but just went back to eating their lunch, the trio quickly finishing and moving onto Red's chosen store, which was in a far off corner of the mall. Mei squealed and walked off towards the bike parts area, as MK followed behind Red Son like a lost puppy, his expertise more so in the art area.

"So...what are the rocket boosters for anyways?" The simian hummed, offering to carry the parts for his friend as the bull browsed.

"I'm rebuilding my bike that your blue friend smashed, and am making some much needed upgrades as well," The scarlet eyed royal explained, not noticing how MK winced at the mention of the destroyed bike. "These parts will help with the boosters."

"Sorry...I don't know if I ever apologized for that, but--"

"You already apologized after we beat Spider Queen," Red Son interrupted, inspecting a few gears, before adding them to pile in MK's arms. "Besides, it's giving me an excuse to make a few upgrades."

A sigh of relief left the simian's lips, and he followed his friend over to the register, before they made their way out of the store where Mei was already waiting, and out of the mall where the fire demon paused, turning back to the two, "Today...wasn't all that bad...I suppose."

Both smiled, waving Red Son off as he disappeared in a flash of red flames, the siblings made their way to the Cloud Jet, right as the sun was starting to set, and back to the mountain for dinner.

To be Continued.......................

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