Chapter Seventy-Four: Deadly Ink

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Warning: Violence

Above is MK's Season 4 Two Kings design--the black patches on his skin and face are burn scars from the Samadhi Fire. My boy is matching with a certain someone--in terms of hair--can you guess who??

A few hundred or so years ago.......................

Deep within Diyu, a cloaked figure was seen running towards the palace, avoiding guards and servants alike, as they came up to the sealed entrance, eerie blue wisps lighting the dark corners. Holding a hand out, they broke the lock and walked inside, to where thousands of old wooden tablets were shown to be floating in the center, a name inscribed on each one.

Platforms floated down from the roof and made a walkway for the person, who approached the floating namecards, scrolling through each one, until they came to two names in particular.....

Sun Wukong and Liùěr Míhóu.

 ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯ ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯ ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯ ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯ ¯\_(°╭╮°)_/¯

Present day.....................

Two large golden serpents--one with red eyes and one with blue--were seen to be terrorizing the city of Wàn Qiān Chéng, citizens screaming and running in fear, as the two snakes' attention turned to a group of unsuspecting grannies, who were doing Tai Chi together.

Moving to attack them, people cried out in fear when it appeared that the old women's lives were forfeit, only to cheer as they noted the city's hero had arrived, his staff having caught the two monster's by their fangs.

Both monsters looked down at the monkey in fear.

Turning from where he was casually holding the beasts back, the teen greeted the old women, "Good morning grannies! Lovely weather, isn't it?~"

"Morning MK," A three happily greeted back, not stopping their motions for even a second, aside from a brief wave of the hand, with one dressed in white and green continuing to talk. "How's your fathers and siblings doing? Little Ming not causing too much trouble?"

"They're doing great!~" Happily--and scarily easily--throwing back the pair of snakes, the hero smiled as he heard his sister come charging in, a flash of green lighting slamming right into the snakes as a large jade dragon began wrestling with them. "And Ming's making sure to keep out of trouble, don't worry!~"

"Focus Monkey Boy!" Red Son's voice sounded as he appeared next to his boyfriend with a scowl, pulling slightly at the taller's cheek, who whined at this. "You can converse with them lat--hey!"

"Aww, how cute are you two!~" Unfortunately, for the red clad demon, the Tai Chi session had ended, so now he was having his cheeks pulled by cooing grannies, much to the poor bull's chagrin. "Young love is so sweet!~"

"They are so lucky that mother taught me manners," Iron Fan's son muttered grumpily, his partner the only one to actually catch what he said with a laugh, giving the demon a sympathetic look. 

"Hey guys, could use some backup over here!" Mei--the large dragon--shouted, from where she was holding off the snakes, blasting them with another jet of green flames. "Stop kissing and start fighting!"

"WE ARE NOT! KISSING!!" Red Son screeched angrily, hair bursting into flames, as his face matched his clothing. "Would you stop saying such embarrassing drivel?!"

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