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Callie quickly sat up in bed. Quietly scanning the bedroom, she let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding in. Everything looked normal. She was in her apartment in New York City.

The dream felt so surreal. And for a moment when she'd first awoken, it seemed like she was back in Seattle, married to another woman whose name she believed to be Jada.

Callie looked over at the sleeping figure of Arizona Robbins and let out another deep breath. She was safe, with the love of her life, and okay. And her nine year old daughter was peacefully asleep down the hall.

Once again taking a deep breath, Callie flopped back down onto her pillow. She never expected her and Arizona to get back together. It was a year after Arizona had moved out to NYC to be with her and Sofia.

Things had been great. They had been excellent coparents for the first few weeks after Arizona's move. Sofia was excited beyond belief when she had both of her moms living in the same apartment until Arizona got settled. But Arizona's move out of Callie's apartment never happened.

As much as Callie tried to move on from Arizona, to Penny, who she'd quickly dumped, there was no denying that her heart belonged to Arizona. Arizona had been the one to initiate the conversation, admitting her feelings for Callie. She had to admit, hearing such strong feelings from Arizona made Callie's heart flutter.

And so they tried again. And this time, it worked.

With a smile tugging at the edges of her lips, Callie looked down at the sleeping blonde. It was almost their six month anniversary since she had made Arizona her wife again.

Life was good.

They mutually agreed to a fresh start, putting the past in Seattle where it would forever stay. As much as Callie didn't want to admit it, the break was good for both of them. They both tried to date other people, but came back to the conclusion that there would be no one but the other.

Callie agreed to give therapy another try, but for a different reason. They talked everything out for hours one day, going through each and every event in their relationship. No fingers were pointed and no wrongdoing was put on anyone. They just talked.

They were both at fault and there were so many things that could've been handled differently or prevented. And together, hand in hand, they pushed that stage of their relationship into the past. There were plenty of good memories, and plenty of bad. But they had started a clean slate and there was no going back.

"Ortho right?" Arizona had said to her, and Callie knew in that moment, she was wholeheartedly in love with Arizona Robbins.

And instead of going to therapy to try and mend their relationship, they were going to seek advice on how to communicate with each other better. Callie and Arizona agreed they lacked a lot of communication in the past. And that's what they were there to do-to learn how to be better for each other.

And the sex had been out of this world.

"Calliope?" a soft and quiet voice whispered. "Go back to sleep."

Callie giggled softly. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"You didn't," a sleepy Arizona muttered. "You okay?"

She nodded even though she knew Arizona wouldn't see her. "I'm okay. I had a dream."

The blonde's eyes fluttered open. "About what?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now," Callie said softly while turning to face Arizona.

"Calliope," Arizona said softly. "Remember what we talked about."

Callie quickly conceded the point to her wife. "You're right. But... I had a dream that I was in, like, an alternate universe," she tried to explain. "I was this cat superhero. And you were there, but you were with another woman."

Arizona leaned over and pressed an intimate kiss to her wife's lips. "Well, I'm very glad that we're in this universe."

Kissing her again, Callie whispered, "me too."

She then continued. "I was married to another girl. We adopted Sofia, you and I opened up a medical school at Grey+Sloan. I had dogs too."

Both of them giggled. "Don't tell Sofia," Arizona teased. The little girl's latest obsession had been wanting a dog.

"It was just... so surreal," Callie added. "It took me a moment when I woke up to realize I was here with you. And I wouldn't trade being with you for the world."

"I love you, Calliope," Arizona said softly. "I'm here, and I'm never going anywhere."

"I love you too, Arizona," Callie replied, taking the cuddling blonde into her arms. "I will be by your side for the rest of our lives."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now