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Jada woke up in even more pain then she had been in the day before.

She felt like shit.

Her entire body ached, she had a headache, cramps that felt like she was pushing out a baby, and had even been on a heavy period.

And as much as Jada didn't want to bother Callie at work, she wasn't sure she was going to make it through the day without her wife at her side.

Jada struggled to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. The cramps would come and go often a few minutes apart. But when they came, Jada was in complete agony. She didn't know if she was even going to be able to get herself downstairs at all today. Thankfully Jada's mom had taken Sofia for breakfast and would be home to put her down for her nap early.

Her pain and frustration quickly turned into panic when she realized how heavily she had been bleeding from her period. This was very abnormal.

Quickly getting herself together as she felt her body cramping again, Jada hurried back to bed before the next cramp hit. She reached for her phone off the nightstand and cried out in pain. Not only did her entire midsection hurt from the cramp, so did her back and hips.

Jada needed to talk to Callie.

She opted to text her wife instead of call her. That way she could attempt to try and take her mind off of the agonizing pain coming from her midsection, and she wouldn't have to lay there and listen to Callie talk.

Hi baby.

Jada was surprised when she felt her phone immediately buzz in her hand with a text from Callie.

Hey beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?

Not good, Jada replied before sending another message. I feel even worse than yesterday.

Do you want me to come home babe? Callie had asked in reply. I'm assuming the heating pad didn't help at all?

Jada was so thankful for her wife. Even though Callie's attempt to help her feel better didn't work, Jada woke up with a heating pad placed directly over her midsection.

I don't know baby, I don't want to ask you to come home already.

If you need me, I'm all yours, Callie answered. Is your mom there with Sofia?

No, she took Sofia for breakfast. They should be home soon though.

Jada watched as the chat bubble popped up before disappearing. Callie was struggling with what to reply.

What feels worse today?

I'm bleeding a lot baby, Jada quickly typed. I feel like I'm bleeding for two periods right now. I feel so achy, I have really bad cramps and they hurt my back so bad.

I'm going to come home, Callie immediately answered.

But babe, you're not in the office that much, I don't want you to miss out on a whole day for work.

You are more important than anything Jaelynn. Do you want me to come home?

Jada took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what to do. She was going to have to get used to feeling like shit and the morning sickness that was for sure going to worsen as she moved into her second and third trimesters.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now