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A/N: I don't really like how they met in the first book, so I'm going to rewrite it as a dream.

Her mind racing with another intriguing dream about Callie, Jada sleepily reached over and wrapped her arms around her wife. Feeling Callie relax into her arms, Jada softly smiled to herself and settled comfortably against the pillow.


Jada was paying extra attention to the road even though she wasn't the one driving. She was observing every stop and turn Callie made, secretly hoping to herself that Callie wouldn't decide to take her back to her apartment.

As they drove through the city and to rural Los Angeles, Jada's raging heartbeat started to calm.  Callie passed the various ways that would take them to Jada's apartment, and continued to drive in the direction they'd come.

Now that Jada was reassured she was going back to Callie's house, she leaned towards the right side of the passenger seat and slowly let her eyes roam over the brunette next to her. Callie was absolutely stunning. Her beautiful dark hair hung loosely against her grey 'Cal' sweatshirt Jada gave back after they left the beach. Those chocolate brown eyes didn't allow Jada to function when their attention was on her. And that smile. Those lips that Jada wanted so badly to kiss curved into an amazing smile. There were a few dimples that really popped out upon the revelation of that gorgeous smile, and Jada couldn't get enough of them.

She didn't realize she had gotten lost staring at Callie until her trace was interrupted by the beautiful Latina's chuckle. Jada's face burned red and she tried her best to hide her embarrassment.

"I am so sorry," she said quietly, forcing her eyes back onto the road to avoid Callie's reaction.

A calming hand on her lower thigh and knee startled her. "I didn't mean to scare you," Callie said with a cute little grin.

"I'm sorry," Jada found herself saying again. "I'm just nervous and..."

Callie began to gently swipe her thumb back and forth across Jada's thigh while she rested her hand there. The feeling caught Jada's attention so quickly, she stopped mid sentence and watched Callie's gentle hand.

"I can tell," Callie replied softly. "I-"

"I'm also not used to this," Jada rambled. "I'm not good at knowing how to do this."

They stopped at a red light. Jada's heart had calmed from its rapid beating earlier, but was now trending toward that direction again. She could feel her hands starting to shake from where they were stuffed under her thighs and against the seat.

Callie looked over at her, while giving her knee a soft squeeze. "Hey, you don't have to be scared or nervous or anything. I don't bite."

Both of them laughed at that comment. "Tell me something about yourself," Callie said abruptly as the light turned green and she focused back on the road. "Don't overthink it. Just something you would tell someone you first met."

"I played softball at UCLA," was Jada's answer. "I was a starter all four years."

"Really?" Callie asked, and Jada could hear the genuine surprise and admiration in her voice. "That's really cool."

"It was," Jada replied, a smile tugging on the edge of her lips.

"What position did you play?"

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now