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"You really won't let me watch tv?" Callie pouted.

Both Arizona and Jada shook their heads in unison. "No."

Callie rolled her eyes. "And you're making me wear this stupid thing too. You at least have to compromise with me somewhere."

Jada couldn't help but giggle at her wife. She, very nonchalantly busted out the makeshift 'helmet' Callie had made for her when she was concussed. Now Callie was grounded to wearing it in bed as well with some adjustments.

They had come to find out that Callie was having a nightmare before she slipped into unconsciousness. Before Jada woke up, Callie somehow whacked her head against Jada's elbow. It was on the very tip of the elbow, the part where it was all bone. Because of where it was, Jada also didn't feel a thing.

"Do you want to make your head hurt worse?" Jada asked.

Callie took a moment to contemplate. "Just one show or something. Please," she begged.


Groaning, Callie pulled the sheets and comforter over her head to hide herself underneath.

"You're lucky I changed those," Jada teased.

Callie's forehead poked out from under the covers. She slowly lowered the sheet down until she was just looking over at them.

"Why did you really change them?" she asked. "My sweat or the fact we fuck all over this bed and you didn't want Arizona to have a chance to even smell anything."

"If you weren't concussed, I'd be kicking your ass right now Calliope."

Callie mocked her and Jada couldn't hold back a smile. She reached out and touched Callie's forehead. "You're still hot. I think you have a fever."

"I probably do," Callie answered sarcastically.

Arizona leaned over and touched Callie's forehead as well. "Definitely a fever. I don't even need a thermometer to diagnose that."

Callie was bundled up under the sheet, comforter, and a few blankets. "Are you warm enough Cals?"

She nodded. "I think I'm good. I'll try not to sweat through the sheets again."

"That would be nice," Jada teased sarcastically. "We don't have another pair."

"Callie, I think you're funnier when you're concussed," Arizona teased, getting Jada to laugh so hard she snorted.

"Hey! That's not true!"

"Is it!"

Callie crossed her arms over her chest. "This isn't fair. You two are holding me against my will and making fun of me."

Both women laughed before Jada thought of a good comeback. "You call being in bed with me 'holding you against your will?'"

"Well... not exactly. What you're doing now-that's holding me against my will."

"Baby, listen to me please," Jada said softly. "I'm just helping you how you helped me. Head injuries are serious. Unfortunately there's going to be no working out, no phone, no music, no work, a whole lot of nothing until you get better."

"No sex?"

Jada shook her head. "No," she answered quietly. "This is a bad concussion. We can't risk anything else happening to you."

"But I know you just got off your period and I know that's when-"

"I know baby. I'll be okay. I can wait for you."

"You can't do that," Callie said. "At least let me help you or at least break the pact just this once."

"What is the pact?" Arizona asked.

Both Callie and Jada looked at each other before looking at Arizona. "Do you want to know?" Jada asked.

"It's pretty weird," Callie added.

"I think uh... me being in your bed with the two of you is weird," Arizona teased. "But if you can top it, I'm game."

"You don't have to stay here," Jada said. "I'm sorry for panic calling you. You're more than welcome to help yourself to one of the guest rooms for the rest of the night."

Arizona shook her head. "I can tell how tired you are. Get some sleep, and I'll take first watch on Callie." Shen then added, "after you tell me the weird story of course."

Jada laughed. "You want to tell it babe?" she asked Callie.

"I'll pass," Callie replied with a smile. "I think all that thinking might put a little too much stress on my brain. I already have a bad headache."

"I hate you," Jada playfully shot back.

"And I love you more."

Jada curled up against Callie and looked at Arizona. "So-uh, Callie and I have this thing-"

"No, not 'Callie and I.' You."

Jada rolled her eyes at her smiling concussed wife. "Okay, I am super weird when I get off my period. I get really, extra horny for some reason."

"Kate is the same way," Arizona encouraged. "Don't worry. I'm going to forget everything by the morning anyway."

"But yeah... uh. Callie's always there for me. But I'm just getting off my period now and she's concussed. We made a pact that neither one of us was going to try and do some self pleasure without our partner."

She continued to explain. "Callie is my first real sexual partner. She taught me, and I want to experience everything with her. And it's something I don't want to do without her."

"Babe, you can break the pact one time."

"I think that's really cute," Arizona said admirably. "That's not what I thought you were going to say," she then said with a smile. "There's nothing wrong with wanting pleasure to come only from your partner. I think I might even talk to Kate about that for us."

"See babe, it's okay to break the pact just this once," Callie said. "You're right, I know me being there for it is probably going to overstimulate my brain during the healing process. Don't let me being hurt hold you back from taking care of yourself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Callie replied sincerely. "And since Arizona is kind enough to take the first watch, what would you say to some cuddles?"

Jada happily threw her arm over her wife's stomach. She then tucked a blanket to block Callie from turning over and accidentally hitting her head against Jada's.

"That would be nice babe."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now