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Callie watched from afar as her wife and friends danced around to the loud music. Taking a sip of her beer, Callie relaxed against the wall and was content with watching over the girls.

Everyone went out after Arizona and Kate's bachelorette party. Like Callie and Jada, Arizona and Kate had decided to have their wedding in the end of September just after the start of fall. Callie was excited for her ex-girlfriend's wedding, although it was something she never expected herself to be excited for.

She was so happy for Arizona. The blonde had found her lifelong partner in Kate. Callie and Jada were going to be in the wedding as bridesmaids. Callie as one of Kate's bridesmaids and Jada one of Arizona's. And Sofia had been asked to be the flower girl.

Although at first she didn't want to, Callie would always have a soft spot for Arizona. Her and the blonde were very close, and have even become closer. Callie loved and cared for Arizona, but she would continue to do so as a friend.

Callie didn't take her eyes off Jada as the girls danced. She was surrounded by her friends, but it was just the protectiveness in Callie that refused to allow her to break eye contact. She had been relaxed so far throughout the night and simply watched Jada have fun with their friends.

That was until an attractive looking blonde walked up to the group.

Callie felt alarmed when none of the other girls did anything to stop the blonde, making Callie realize that they knew her. She narrowed her eyebrows and continued to watch the new woman's every move. Callie wasn't sure if she should step in. Jada was drunk, Arizona and Kate were on their way to being drunk, and the blonde had called over a bartender with another tray full of drinks.

As the drinks were distributed around the group, Callie watched Jada get even more visibly intoxicated. She raised an eyebrow as the woman linked her arm with Jada's and led the entire group back to the dance floor.

Clenching her fist's together, Callie tried to distract herself from watching her wife dance with the woman. The dance floor was packed, making Callie have to move around a few times to maintain a clear view of the group.

She was growing agitated with how close the blonde had been to Jada. Yes the dance floor was crowded, but the blonde woman was all up in Jada's face. And Callie was starting not to like it. Just as Callie was ready to head in and get Jada, Arizona pulled her aside to dance with her for a few minutes. That made Callie relax as she watched the two of them have fun together.

But as soon as she was gone, the blonde was back and once again gravitating towards Jada. The music picked up, changing into more modern dance music and the already crowded dance floor was filled to the max.

Callie rolled her eyes when she saw the woman place her hands on Jada's hips and gently grind up behind her. Callie now had enough. Setting her drink down on the counter with a hard thud, Callie began to make her way to the dance floor.

Jada and the blonde woman were out of sight when Callie turned back around. She immediately went into protective mode and was pushing through people on the dance floor to get to Jada.

Jada and the blonde had gravitated away from their friends when Callie finally found them. They had been passed through by a few groups and Callie could see Jada's shoes as she made her way through the crowds.

Callie was not expecting to find what she did.

Jada was on the tips of her toes, kissing the blonde woman.

What started as a quick peck to the lips stretched out a little bit longer. Jada threw her arms around the blondes neck and leaned into her as they kissed again.

Callie immediately felt sick to her stomach upon watching her wife kiss this random stranger. And her stomach twisted even more into a knot when she made eye contact with Jada.

Smiling at the blonde, Jada turned away and Callie had caught her eye. Jada's expression quickly filled with panic and surprise. It was then that Callie realized Jada wasn't as drunk as she thought her to be. Because when they made eye contact, Jada was very clearly surprised, and she knew what she had done.

Before Callie could vomit, she was running to the women's bathroom. She threw the bathroom door open, quickly weaved around some women in there, and stopped at the sink farthest away from the door.

Callie leaned over and gripped the sink tightly with both of her hands. She was waiting for the knot in her stomach to release, but it hadn't. So Callie stood over the sink hyperventilating at what she had just witnessed.

The group of girls that had been right by the door when Callie came in, quickly left leaving Callie alone in the bathroom by herself.

"Calliope?" Jada called as she pushed open the door to the bathroom. After scanning the bathroom, her eyes settled on Callie huddled up in the corner trying to fight back tears. "Oh Calliope, baby."

Jada put her feet into motion and hurried over to Callie's side. "Callie baby, I didn't mean for that to happen."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now