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Jada continued to shuffle through the pictures Callie had gotten her as part of their date earlier this evening. She spent a couple of moments studying each picture and allowing all the past memories to come flooding back.

This photo she currently held was from the first time Callie had ever come over to her apartment before Jada moved in with her. Jada remembered that day vividly. She was so nervous that Callie was going to judge her or think differently of her once she saw Jada's home and livelihood. But that was the complete opposite of the truth and Jada had ended up bringing her insecurities to Callie's attention.

Callie didn't dismiss them like Jada's past lovers had. In fact, she had spent time asking her questions and getting to understand her insecurities. It really opened Jada's eyes to the fact that Callie wasn't like any of her past lovers. Callie understood her in a way that no one had tried to before. Callie then returned the favor and had told Jada a little bit about her previous relationships.

Looking at the photo once again, Jada took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and allowed herself to think back to that day.

Jada paced around her apartment as she waited for her girlfriend who should be here any second.

"Stop looking at me like that Goose," she playfully quipped upon looking over at the orange cat sitting peacefully on the top of the couch. He simply watched Jada pace back and forth and Jada couldn't help but realize she was being judged by her cat.

"Callie's coming over," she explained to the very attentive orange cat. "I haven't seen her in two days and it's going to be the first time she's been here and I'm just afraid she's going to see what I do and not want to be with me."

Goose meowed. "It's not like i'm a porn star or anything. But she's a doctor and I'm a graphic designer. And graphic designers don't make as much as doctors, especially a chief orthopedic surgeon," Jada rambled. "If this goes where I want it to go I don't want her to feel like she's the breadwinner."

Her thoughts were interrupted by her cat meowing again and making himself more comfortable atop the couch. "And please don't scare her away. She's just different. Different in so many ways and I really like that about her."

Jada turned to her cat. "I know how you are when it comes to me bringing girls home. If you don't scare her off I'll let you skip your grooming appointment next week and I'll get you some tuna."

A smile stretched across her face when she watched her cat relax. He absolutely hated the groomer and he had now learned the word. And with the way Jada had described the groomer, he relaxed. He was one smart cat and already decided that he was going to leave her alone tonight. Goose jumped off the couch and hurried into the spare room which at this point was basically his room.

She took a deep breath and continued to pace across her apartment. One thing checked off the list for having this night make a good impression on Jada's new girlfriend.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knock at the door. Jada internally screamed in excitement and she did a little happy dance. Callie was here! And Jada had been so excited to see her girlfriend all day she hadn't gotten anything accomplished at work.

In a few quick strides Jada was at the door and opening it for Callie. And her jaw dropped. This woman was the definition of absolute perfection. Even when she wasn't trying to make herself presentable, Jada found this side of her attractive as hell.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now