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If Callie had a dollar for every time she was awoken being crushed by the dogs, a cat, Sofia, and Jada, she would finally be able to convince herself to stop working. It happened nearly every morning, sometimes even twice a day.

Even though Callie and Jada didn't need their jobs, they still loved the normalcy of working. Or as normal as it could get with a gamer and a surgeon happily married. Money would never ever be an issue and both continued to work because they simply liked what they did.

But Callie would be ridiculously loaded if she had a dollar for every time her girls or the pets jumped up into bed and crushed her.

The culprit today was Jada.

Callie slowly opened her eyes, her body already starting to move and adjust to the knee that was in her abdomen. "Hi baby," Jada said way too cheerfully for this early in the morning.

"Hey," Callie groaned as she continued to stretch out.

Although it startled her when somebody landed on her out of nowhere, Callie wouldn't trade it for anything. She loved to wake up with her girls excitedly looking down at her, and on top of her, which was more so the older one. And Callie would love the cuddles she received.

"I have some good news for you," a happy wide eyed Jada smiled down at her.

Callie, who was still adjusting to just being woken, nodded while blinking the sleep out of her eyes. "What's that Jaelynn?"

"My mom is going to watch Sof all day and take her to the zoo and stuff. So we have all day to ourselves."

"Your mom just knows how to come in clutch doesn't she?" Callie said with a sleepy smile.

"She most certainly does."

Sofia hadn't said anything to her mothers, but Callie and Jada thought their little girl was a little under the weather the past few days. Sofia wasn't as bubbly or perky as she normally was, and she was a little grumpier too.

Jada watched Sofia all day on Tuesday while Callie was at work. And the little girl was a handful. She had to move a sponsored segment of her stream to the following day because Sofia was a little grumpy and she was distracting her mom from her play area in Jada's office.

Callie got Sofia yesterday at work. The little girl did not seem thrilled at all to be at the hospital and made sure to let her mom know the entire time she was there.

"Are you sure you want to think about having another one?" Callie asked, reading Jada's mind as she thought about Sofia's temper tantrum last night.

"We're badass moms. We can handle it."

Both Callie and Jada laughed. It had been brought up briefly in discussion, but the couple had yet to sit down and have a conversation about the possibility of a second child.

Callie Torres never thought she would be unsure about having a baby. Throughout her life, Callie always saw herself having kids. Nearing 30, Callie wasn't sure if she wanted more children. The idea sounded nice to her, but it was a matter of how they were going to have the second child.

Callie's infertility really put a wrench in their plans. From the beginning, Callie and Jada agreed that Callie would carry their kids. But with her accident and her near death experience as Lynx, Callie was unable to have children of her own.

She didn't want Jada to feel pressured to have to get pregnant again. They both had been very outspoken about wanting a biological child of their own. Since Jada was the only one able to carry children, Callie didn't want her to feel pressured to do so. The miscarriage really took a toll on her, and Callie didn't want to put her wife through the possibility of that happening again.

They could adopt. That could result in an issue too. Sofia wasn't aware that she was an adopted child. And she was at the age where she would be able to put it together that neither of her moms carried the baby. Especially since they tried before. It was a conversation Callie and Jada weren't ready to have with their two and a half year old.

"Callie?" Jada called.

Shaking her head and making sure she was awake, Callie looked back up at her wife.

"You okay?" Jada asked softly.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?" Jada questioned with a smile.

"About how we would have another baby if we chose to try again to have another baby," Callie sorta rambled.

"We could make a baby together Callie," Jada told her wife.

"How would we do that?" Callie asked, her thoughts still on Sofia.

"We could use your egg and we could find a donor that resembles me. And I could carry the baby," she explained.

"That is an idea," Callie replied back. "Babe, I'm still half asleep so would there be a chance we could talk about this a little later? I just want to be all there and have a clear head."

"Absolutely Calliope," Jada answered. "It's just an idea too."

Callie smiled and Jada moved to playfully jump on her again. She loved pinning Callie on her back no matter if it was innocently in the morning like this, or a night before some beautiful rounds of lovemaking.

Groaning, Callie moved to gently push Jada off of her, but was denied when Jada pushed her arms away. "You wanna fight?" Callie playfully teased.

She absolutely loved that Jada wasn't afraid to play around with her. Even though she would get beat and end up on her back every single time, Jada never gave up.

The 'fighting' was just a fun filled wrestling match. They both enjoyed wrestling each other. Callie was bigger and stronger, allowing her to always win.

"I'll wrestle baby," Jada replied excitedly. "I have a good feeling about this one."

Callie chuckled. "I'll even give you a better opportunity. I'll start on my back."


"It's on Jaelynn."

Big chapter coming tomorrow!

Also, who's excited for book 3??!

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now