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The day Jada was dreading was here. And she struggled to keep herself together in front of Sofia and Arizona as she waited to say goodbye to Callie.

Callie came out of the helicarrier's control room looked like she was dressed for war. She had made some modifications to the Lynx suit to better prepare herself for battle against Loki's army who had chosen Seattle as his first attack point. Callie carried a holster on each leg with a pistol. On her belt she had multiple extra rounds of ammunition, a few grenades, and some emergency medical supplies.

Callie had also created a new weapon she was going to deploy. Right now, it was attached to her belt as a baton. But the thing transformed into an entire staff. Callie had programmed it like a genius. It was sensitive to only her touch, and it was controlled using the same method as her suit. She could throw the staff and it would come back to her like a boomerang, and she could call it to herself. The staff could deliver an electric shock powerful enough to kill if she wanted it to.

Jada was really struggling to hold back tears. Her heart was beating out of control and she shook with nervousness. Callie had escorted her and Sofia to the helicarrier just as Kate had done with Arizona. They would be kept safe on the ship with its stealth cloaking device while war raged below in Seattle. Jada would be hanging out with Arizona and the other Avengers families while they hoped their superheroes could defeat Loki's army.

She didn't want to let Callie go. Jada really didn't. But the whole world needed Callie and her abilities and Jada couldn't bring herself to keep Callie from saving lives.

Before she or Callie could say anything, Jada handed Sofia off to Arizona and crushed her wife in a tight hug. "Don't let go of me," she whispered into Callie's ear.

Jada managed a tiny smile when she felt Callie's strong arms wrap around her and hug her tightly. If it wasn't for the adrenaline, this crushing hug would've hurt her, but Jada didn't feel a thing. She wanted to feel this over the loneliness and nervousness that was going to plague her when Callie left.

"I'm not going to let go of you," Callie replied softly. "I never will."

"Please live for me," Jada said as she buried her face into Callie's neck, giving gentle and teary kisses to the exposed skin. "Live for me Callie."

"I will, I promise you that."

Jada nodded into Callie's neck, still refusing to let go of her wife. "Take care of Sof for me Jaelynn," Callie added softly.

"I will," Jada answered before asking, "how am I going to know if you're okay?"

Callie kept one strong arm around her wife while she used the other to gently poke Jada's chest right above her heart. "You will know it in here that I'm okay. You and I can feel each other. You'll know."

Both Callie and Jada could hear her being called through her earpiece. "I have to go baby," she said quietly. "I'm going to go kick some ass and then I'll be right back for you and Sofster forever."

"You're..." Jada trailed off.

Jada looked hard into those dark brown eyes as Callie nodded. "I'm done after this," she answered. "I don't need or want this life anymore. I have you and Sofia and that's all I need."

Jada's heart clenched in her chest when she heard Natasha call for her wife again. "I love you Jaelynn," Callie continued. "No matter what happens, I just want you to know how much I love you."

"Callie, that isn't exactly reassuring me right now."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just need you to know that."

"I love you too," Jada replied. "More than anything."

Jada smiled when Arizona placed Sofia back in her arms before retreating away from the couple to give them some space. "And I love you too Sof. You be good for your momma while I'm gone."

Sofia smiled up at Callie, making Jada's heart hurt even more. Jada had no idea how she was going to handle the uncertainty of not knowing where Callie was and if she was okay. But Jada was just going to try to feel with her heart. Like Callie had said, they were connected in a way she had never thought was possible. Jada wasn't sure if this was something normal to feel when one was in love as much as she was, or it was a weird little thing that was part of the Lynx in Callie.

They had been able to communicate through their feelings nonverbally. And they had been able to have conversations with each other while apart through whatever this connection between them was. Jada still had a little difficulty controlling hers, but she knew she needed to focus in order to feel Callie.

"Callie! Let's go!" they both heard Natasha yell from down the corridor.

Jada happily welcomed the forceful kiss from her wife. She was bumped backwards and glad that Callie's quick reactions kept her from falling back.

"I love you Jaelynn."

"I love you too Calliope."

And with that, Callie gave her wife one last quick peck to the lips before gently kissing her forehead. Her dark brown eyes were full of love, adoration, and sadness. Just looking into Jada's eyes and telling her mentally how much she loved her once again, Callie turned away.

She struggled to put her legs into motion. Her entire body didn't want to work. She had to work hard to fight herself and take stride's away from her wife and daughter. Callie felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest as she began to jog down the corridor.

Now with Jada unable to see her, Callie let the tears fall. Inside, she wasn't nearly as confident as she had been in the front she hid behind before her wife. Callie couldn't shake the gut feeling that something felt off...

Alright so I'm taking tomorrow and possibly Friday off from uploading. I didn't mean to leave y'all on a cliffhanger that's just how the chapters worked out haha! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now