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Jada was having a Discord night with the girls. She hadn't talked to all of her friends like this in just over a month. And for once, it felt nice to sit at her computer and relax. Yes, Jada loved what she did, and yes she would continue to do it. But sometimes it was nice to simply play games with her friends without needing to work.

She heard the door quietly open and turned to see Callie peeking her head inside. "I'm going to go to bed," she said quietly. "Do you need anything before I do?"

"No babe, go get some rest. I won't be much longer."

Callie nodded. "Okay."

"Before you go," Jada added. "One thing I always need is a kiss."

With a smile Callie quickly moved through the room and captured her wife's lips in a kiss. Jada lifted her hands from her keyboard and mouse to put one on Callie's cheek and one on her back as they kissed.

"Eww, stop making out," Jada heard Rachel say through her headset.

"Shut up," she playfully growled back at Rachel through the microphone.

"I love you so much Callie," Jada said softly.

"I love you so much too. I'll be upstairs if you need me."

Jada gave her wife one last kiss. "I won't be much longer. I love you baby."

"Eww, so romantic," Becca teased.

After watching Callie leave her stream room, Jada concentrated back on the game she was playing with her friends.

"I know, Callie's so amazing," she boasted to her friends.

"Speaking of Callie, when do we get to meet little miss?"

Jada smiled upon hearing Lexi call her daughter by Jada's favorite nickname. "I talked with Callie earlier and we can be free whenever you girls want to come and visit. Callie throws some badass parties."

"I am so in!" Lexi exclaimed. "I can't wait to meet Sofia and then I can't wait to see the bar."

Everyone laughed. "Oh, Callie will for sure have it stocked for when you come."

"Can we go out too? I really need to get laid," Rachel jokingly asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Jada exclaimed. "There's one rule though. No bringing guys home now that Sofia's here."

"Looking at you being all momma bear now."

Jada laughed. "This wasn't funny then but it kinda is now, but you know how I told you that Callie and I adopted Sofia when she was in the NICU?" Jada asked to get replies from her friends. "Well, they fucked up big time and accidentally swapped babies so we got some couples daughter and they got the baby we were supposed to adopt."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah," Jada said honestly. "I wasn't giving up Sof. Both of them have happy and loving homes so I refused to do a switch. And that's why I don't want anyone I don't know around my kid."

Jada then added, "And the doctor that switched them was the girl Callie's ex-girlfriend cheated on her with."

"That's fucked up," Becca admitted.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now