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Jada was happy to finally have some alone time with her wife after a long and stressful day. Michelle and Grace had already went to bed after sharing how excited they were that Sofia went down for them without a problem.

After everything that happened today, Jada was reassured that everything would be okay. They weren't going to lose Sofia. As soon as Callie had found out it was Dr. Boswell who switched the babies, her and Arizona hounded the woman like wolves. Jada had found out that Dr. Boswell was the one Arizona cheated on Callie with and she had no problem sitting this one out and letting her wife handle it.

Dr. Boswell was fired on the spot by both Callie and Arizona. Jada was actually entertained by Callie's hatred for the woman. Callie didn't leave anything on her mind unsaid. She was also surprised how Arizona had turned on the woman she'd cheated with. Arizona had later told Jada a few stories about Lauren Boswell, most of them being how she manipulated Arizona when she was vulnerable.

Callie and Jada had spent the last half hour taking a warm shower together. Jada stood in front of Callie who she had pinned up against the shower wall. She had decided to take charge tonight and wasn't going to let her wife out of the shower until they had a few rounds of some really good shower sex.

Jada was internally grateful for the shower in their new home. It had three built in shower heads so neither of them had to stand in the cold, and it made for some really nice sex.

She ran her hands down Callie's muscular arms and to her sides. Jada was careful not to accidentally touch the bandage that was taped over Callie's stitches to keep the water out.

"How much longer before you can get these out baby?" Jada asked running her fingers above the tape and pushing it gently against Callie's body.

"Hopefully soon," Callie answered quietly. "I can't stand covering this every time I need to shower."

"That's what you have me for," Jada replied with a soft smile. "To take care of you for once."

Callie smiled and gently kissed Jada's lips. "Calliope?"


Jada couldn't hold in the laughter. "You've been looking at my boobs a lot when you talk to me these last few days."

"That's because they're good boobs!" Callie protested. "Is there a problem with that?" she jokingly asked after.

"There's not but you look at my boobs a lot," Jada teased.

"Where did this come from?" Callie asked with the confusion evident in her face.

"You were just really staring down my boobs a minute ago," Jada replied with a smile.

"Because they're good boobs," Callie repeated. "Very good boobs."

"You know who has really good boobs?" Jada amazed with a smile. She couldn't believe how the serious conversation they were having when they first got into the shower had now turned into talking about boobs.

"You better not say me or I swear I'll-"

"You do Calliope."

"I said-"

"Hey, if you get to marvel over my boobs than I get to do the same over yours."

Callie bit her lip and Jada laughed at the precious look she had on her face. "You are so cute baby."

"No, that's all you."

"Do you really want to go there Calliope?" Jada asked as she pushed Callie back against the shower wall.

"Go where?"

"You'll see."


Jada had once again tried and failed to take the lead from Callie for the second round of some nice shower sex. Callie had her beat and she had trouble keeping her eyes open as she scrolled through her phone in bed.

Callie was cuddled up behind her and Jada had pushed herself backwards until there was no physical space left between the two of them. Jada was enjoying having her personal furnace right against her back. The snow had come down again today and the temperatures had dropped into the low teens.

Even in Callie's long sleeve shirt and sweatpants, Jada was still cold buried under a few layers of covers. "Babe, do you want me to get you your heated blanket?" Callie asked quietly behind Jada.

"I do but-but I also don't want you to get up because you're so warm."

"I can get it for you-"

"Thank you baby," Jada cut in. "But right now I really just want you to cuddle me."

"I can do that," Callie answered quietly.

Callie rested her head right above Jada's on the pillow and tried to close her eyes before she was blinded by the bright white screen of her wife's phone.

"Look at this Callie."

In the pictures Jada had been scrolling through on Twitter, she had found some house account that posted amazingly stunning pictures of homes.

"It's in Colorado too. Colorado was my dream place to live when I was a kid. I still want to go there so bad."

"Do you want to go to Colorado?"

"At some point," Jada answered with a nod. "I think it would be so cool to live there though."

"Are you trying to tell me something?"

Jada showed Callie another picture. "I would love to live in Colorado. It's just so beautiful and there's so much land where we could build our own house."

"You want to live in Colorado?"

Jada nodded. "I've been dreaming of it since I was a kid. You and I could build our own house and Sofia would have so much room to run around and play."

"Why do I have a feeling that you want to move out there?"

"I haven't bought or built my own house," Jada replied. "Our first home was yours and then this house you bought yourself. We haven't bought a house together yet."

"I know and we will," Callie reassured her. "I will follow you forever."

"I'm sorry," Jada began to ramble. "I'm sorry I'm so over the place."

Callie gently kissed Jada's cheek. "It's something to think about. I'm going wherever you go."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now