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Jada was crying hysterically while they waited for the medical team to arrive. She continued to cradle her wife's head in her lap. "You are not allowed to die on me Calliope," she sobbed. "Wake up!"

She tried her hardest to shake Callie awake but it was no use. She didn't move at all and continued to look lifeless in her wife's arms. "Get up Callie," Jada said in between sobs.

Leaning over, Jada buried her face into Callie's neck. "I need you Calliope. I can't live without you. I need you to live for me, okay? I need you to wake up, and I need you to fight for me. You said I was never worth giving up on. Don't give up on me Callie. I can't live without you so you better fight this and you better come back to Sofia and I."

Her thoughts were interrupted by Natasha's footsteps. "The med team is nearly here."

Jada watched Natasha's eyes settle on the lifeless Callie in her arms. "Oh no."

Natasha knelt down in a heap beside Jada, her hand immediately trying to find a pulse on the side of Callie's neck. "She has a pulse," Natasha relayed to Jada who began to cry at the news that Callie wasn't dead. "Callie's alive. She went into a comatose shock."

"Will they be able to save her?" Jada found herself asking.

"Nothing is known for sure. But they're going to do their best to try."


Jada was miserable while she waited for Callie to come out of surgery. It had felt like days since they had landed back on the helicarrier and the medical team took Callie in for emergency surgery. But it had only been a few hours.

Jada was able to relax just a little when she'd heard they allowed Kate to scrub in and help with the surgery. The team had just finished up a three and a half hour surgery and Jada couldn't wait to just see Callie again.

Callie had made it through surgery but still remained in a coma. The surgery successfully repaired Callie's lacerated stomach from the knife blade, and the broken rib from the impact of the stabbing as well as cleaning up the rest of the internal damage. She had also undergone a blood transfusion to flush the poison out of her bloodstream.

But it was uncertain if Callie would come out of the coma. If they were able to flush the poison from her system early enough, she had a chance. They weren't able to determine to the extent in which the poison ravaged Callie's body. She didn't have any signs of organ or heart failure, making Jada very hopeful that the love of her life would pull through.


Jada was finally able to see her wife again, this time in the most sophisticated recovery room she'd ever seen. Callie laid flat on her back with her eyes closed with multiple different iv's tucked in the inside of both elbows.

Jada was going to spend every second at Callie's side she told herself. And she would be there until Callie made her choice. If she was going to pull through and survive or quietly pass away. There was enough room on the hospital bed for Jada to lay at Callie's side. She slowly crawled up on the bed beside Callie and formed herself into Callie's side.

It was so difficult laying next to her wife and not being able to touch her or cuddle her. But settling at Callie's side would have to suffice for now.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now