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*Knock knock*

Jada tried her best to ignore the knocking momentarily. She was nearly finished with her talking point for a YouTube video she was recording when the knocking started again.

It was distracting her enough that she lost her train of thought and just shook her head. Jada's editor wrote most of her talking points for this video and this one was such a tongue twister. She was having enough trouble getting the lines to sound how she wanted before the knocking began.

"Come in," Jada said with a sigh.

Jada was not expecting her visitor. Especially right after one on a Wednesday. But when she saw who it was coming through the door, Jada was immediately excited.

Because it was Callie!


Callie stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "Hey," she answered softly. "I hope I'm not interrupting something too important," she teased with a smile.

"Nothing is more important than seeing you."

Callie's smile only widened. As she made her way across the room and over to Jada, it was then when Jada noticed she was hiding something behind her back.

"You're a flirt," Callie told her.

Jada tried to look a little bit to her left in hopes she could catch a peek of whatever her wife had behind her back. "Whatcha got there? And why are you home early? Not that I'm complaining," Jada asked as she took off her headset and set it down on her mousepad.

Slowly and without dropping it, Callie pulled around a beautiful bouquet of flowers from behind her back. They were the prettiest flowers Jada had ever seen. She wasn't very well versed on her flowers, but she could spot a few roses mixed in between the multicolored bouquet.

"Am I not allowed to ask my wife out on a date?" Callie asked.

"You're a tease Calliope," Jada quipped in reply. "I just wasn't expecting to see you."

"I know," Callie said cooly. "We haven't had lunch together during one of my shifts in a while. I miss that."

"I do too."

"I decided to change it up a little bit and ask you if you wanted to go on a lunch date with me?"

Jada took a moment to think but was interrupted when Callie caught her hesitation. "I know you're in the middle of recording a video. I heard you when I was waiting in the hallway. If you're too busy today, it's okay, we can go another time."

"I would love to go on a date with you," Jada answered with her proudest smile. She stood up and moved to hug her wife. "Sorry, I'm still shocked that it's you. I was expecting it to be Sofia, even though I'm not sure if she remembers to knock," Jada rambled.

When she let go of Callie, she was handed the bouquet of flowers with a small note tied into the ribbon around the stems. The flowers smelled amazing, and she decided on the spot that they would be going in her office.

"Happy anniversary babe," Callie said with a smile. She hooked an arm around Jada's waist and used it to pull Jada to her before their lips met in a kiss.

Jada's heart stopped in her chest. Fuck! She forgot her own anniversary. "I love you," she whispered in between kisses, trying to distract Callie from picking up on the sudden tension in her body. "Happy anniversary babe."

"These two years of being married to you have been the best two years of my life," Callie said proudly. "I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible Calliope," Jada tried to argue. But before she had a chance to release a valid argument, Callie was capturing her lips in another quick kiss.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you more then the flowers and dinner," Callie apologized. "We've both been so busy-"

"I know," Jada interrupted, throwing her hands around Callie's neck. While listening to Callie talk, Jada decided she was just going to be honest and tell Callie she forgot about their anniversary.

"Baby, you're going to be upset with me and I'm sorry," she began.

"Why would I be upset with you, Jaelynn?"

She took a nervous breath and tried to smile. "I might have forgotten today was our anniversary," Jada said honestly. "I'm so sorry baby."

Jada didn't get the reaction she was expecting. In fact, it wasn't even close at all. Callie simply laughed at her.

"Um... why are you laughing?"

"You're so sweet," Callie replied with a smile. "Relax, it's okay," she reassured Jada. "I forgot about it until this morning," Callie said honestly. "I didn't have time to put together much."

"Well, I didn't put together anything."

"Don't worry about it sweetheart," Callie said once again. "It's just a number. And the more I want to celebrate the more the number goes up."

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now