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Callie felt like she had a frat party going on in her house. And she was loving it.

Jada, Lexi, Becca, Rachel, and Kate were playing in some developer invited Fortnite tournament. It was a private event, but Jada and a few other streamers and friends as well as the Epic developers hosted a small easy going tournament to test a new game mode.

The party was taking place in Jada's stream room. Jada was at her main setup while Kate was on the opposite wall playing on Jada's secondary setup that was mainly used for editing.

Jada got crafty for her friends and earlier today Callie was tasked with helping her bring some things from her YouTube studio upstairs. That included three monitors that she didn't even use and only had because they had been sent by sponsors or by companies for review. Callie had also brought up two PS5's and an Xbox Series X along with their respective controllers and headsets.

The girls were spread out on the back wall of the room playing on the consoles. Jada's friends were gamers like her, but they didn't play as much as Jada and weren't nearly as good. She had been immediately hounded by the girls asking how she had managed to get a PS5, let alone two of them. Callie couldn't help but laugh at her wife's response. Microsoft had sent Jada a few new Xbox consoles for herself and for her viewers in exchange for Jada to play an Xbox exclusive game on stream. Sony had tried to sweeten the deal by setting her 5 PS5's to do whatever she wanted with and their sponsorship stream was scheduled next week.

Both Callie and Arizona were sprawled out on the large rug in the middle of the room playing with Sofia. Although, it was more like Sofia playing with Callie. There was a play area for Sofia in Jada's stream room that the little girl sometimes occupied while Callie was at work. Callie was laying flat on her back in the middle of that area and Sofia had been using her as a place to set her toys and and ramp for her cars.

Yes, their little girl loved toy cars. Callie was happy that her and Jada were so like minded as parents. Like Callie, Jada also didn't give a crap about what toys Sofia played with.

The stereotype surrounding children's toys was something that really pissed Callie off. They had gotten looks from people at the stores when their daughter was happily holding a stereotypical boy toy. Callie always glared back at those people.

But the whole ordeal rubbed Callie the wrong way. People had made comments in the direction of Sofia which Callie gladly defended her little girl. They had been asked by employees if they were lost in the store before.

Sofia was a pointer now and that was how she told her mom's what she specifically wanted. So they would push her down the isles in the direction she was pointing and let her pick out a toy. Callie just didn't understand why there was such a stereotype. If Sofia wanted a toy truck, her mom's would get her that toy truck. And if she wanted a doll, she would get a doll.

Callie was startled by a "Mama," and a toy truck landing on her stomach.

"Hey Sofia," Callie rasped out. The plow of the toy truck had gotten her just right in the ribs.

Arizona had heard the groan that came from Callie when the truck landed on her with a thud. She sat up, took another sip of wine, and crawled over to Callie and Sofia.

"Sofster, that wasn't very nice," Callie said, trying to suppress a smile at the way Sofia was now crawling in the other direction.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now