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Jada had finished up streaming a little later than usual but was very excited to go spend the rest of the night with her wife, daughter, and family. She decided that her emails and everything else could wait as she hurriedly turned off her computer and monitors.

Flying across the room to the closed door, her left foot slipped out from underneath her when she had stepped on something that wasn't the hard wood floor. Jada stuffed her phone into the pocket of her sweatpants and leaned down to pick up what looked like a piece of paper.

The paper was folded up and it took Jada a second to unfold it from all the wrinkles. She didn't even need to begin to read the note to know it was in her wife's handwriting.

I have a surprise for you mi amor, the note said. Follow the rose petals to me. Love, your Calliope.

Jada quickly swung open her office door. Leading down the hallway and towards the living room was a trail of bright red rose petals. She had no idea what was going on. Her and Callie were supposed to spend the evening with Sofia, Michelle, and Grace. Jada's mom and sister were leaving in two days and she wanted to spend as much time with her sister as she could. Jada didn't know when Grace would be allowed to come home again.

Being careful not to step on any of the petals, Jada tiptoed her way down the hallway. At the end of the hallway hanging on the bedroom door was a beautiful full length red dress. The dress was sleek and simple. It was tight around the upper body and waist before flowing loosely to the bottom. The dress also had three quarter length sleeves. And taped to the door beside the dress was another note.

I love seeing you in red beautiful. Bring it with you, you're going to need it for where we're going. And, go into my office and you'll find something waiting for you.

Jada turned around in her tracks and charged into her wife's office. Callie's desk was completely cleared off which surprised Jada, leaving just a small box in the middle with a white rose laid beside it. She reached for the note first.

Jaelynn, I love you to the end of time. Now open the box beautiful.

Her hands fumbled for the box. Upon opening the box, Jada was greeted with another note.

I can try all day everyday, but I can't put into words my love for you. Take this ring, as a promise that I will love you forever.

Underneath the note was the most stunning promise ring Jada had ever seen. By the looks of it, she knew Callie had to have spent a fortune on it. But it was absolutely beautiful. Jada wasn't a big jewelry person, but she would wear her rings from Callie all the time. She would wear her wedding ring from the moment she got up until she went to bed the following night. It would be her third ring from Callie, following her wedding ring, another cute ring Callie had gotten for her just because. The only ring she didn't wear that Callie had given her was her engagement ring, and that was because she replaced it with a wedding ring.

Jada slipped the ring onto her right index finger before beginning to pack up the box, but not before she noticed yet another note.

I know how much you've been wanting these, the note read.

Her jaw dropped when she saw what was underneath the note. Two concert tickets. For later this year.

For Taylor Swift.

Jada thought she was in an alternate universe. There was no way after everything that went on with Taylor's sold out concerts everywhere that it would even be possible to get tickets. She was spinning. This would be her first time at a Taylor Swift concert. Jada loved her music but her family was never able to afford something like that when she was younger.

Lynx Book 2: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now